[@Wick][@Ojo chan 42] Vladimir chuckled. [color=lightblue]"I think the shirts know I don't like them"[/color] he looked over at Rick and watched the new vampire down the blood. [color=lightblue]"In that case you may want to invest in a flask. An emergency portable blood store if you will. For me I use syringes since my blood lust is generally....unpleasant"[/color] he shrugged. [color=lightblue]"Or buy some rabbits"[/color] rabbits are known for how much they breed. So a vampire that bred rabbits would have a large amount of blood on hand as long as they didn't kill all the rabbits. Vlad just preferred hunting to sedate the wolf side...the syringes for emergencies. He raised a brow at Nora. He kept it raised as he watched her bite herself and stand there with a bleeding arm. He was then poked and he rolled his eyes at her comment. [color=lightblue]"I enjoy doting on you. But when it's due to injuries I end up being much more protective"[/color] he sat down in front of her and gently kissed her hand. [color=lightblue]"Remember any pain...let me know."[/color] that she had no choice on. He wouldn't let her sit there and feel pain when he could numb it. He also didn't fully trust Nora...so he wouldn't ask Sasha to accept the blood.