Cecil was fairly confident that Wyth knew where to go, it just meant he was going to end up having to take this on alone as he soon lost sight of the others. He didn’t know what he was going to encounter along the way whether it was more of those men or if they were starting to retreat, it certainly didn’t help when he was so unfamiliar with people that bad ones were completely lost to him. If they had already escaped then that would be bad, it would mean Amuné would be gone too and then what. He was pretty nervous, not because he was going to take some punishment but because he was by himself in a terrible situation and nobody else was going to be able to help him. Wyth was not able to fight very well by the looks of him, he was definitely on his own. Frowning as he moved, he continued to look back as if to tell himself that he wasn’t alone, but it seemed he was. Just what was he supposed to do? He couldn’t punch people too hard, they would break and he would get in trouble. If he used his electricity he might lose control of it and end up hurting someone he didn’t mean to. He was going to have to calm down first at least, he couldn’t get into further trouble after what he already did before. It wasn’t fair, everyone expected so much from him but when he did fulfil his purpose everyone got mad. Maybe if he was calm the men would also be calm and not immediately attack him, giving the others time to come along and help him. But what if somebody wasn’t going to come help him? He didn’t know what he might do, he felt totally lost. Approaching an area where the sounds of talking could be heard he couldn’t really make out what was being said, but it definitely sounded like they weren’t planning on moving quite yet too. He was definitely certain now, but with Wyth making so much noise he probably didn’t have the surprise attack. Moving faster to keep up with Wyth he pulled back a fist the moment he spotted a man before throwing it as a projectile, catching the man by surprise and saving him the close combat troubles. Pulling back his gauntlet with the chain he approached the door, knowing now he was probably in the right place seeing as how the man had been here. Throwing back a foot he broke open the door, being hasty to try and enter before feeling a force hit his body. Gasping only briefly out of surprise he looked down at where the man had attempted damage on him, only looking at him briefly before he wrapped his hand around the man’s arm and let out a sharp electric burst. Throwing the man off to the side afterwards he pulled the lodged dagger out of his body, frowning lightly before tossing it to the side. That probably left a mark in his shell, but it was under his clothes so that wasn’t a concern. Throwing back his gauntlets again he soon threw them straight for the other men, his eyes absent-mindedly looking to Amuné as she decided to bark orders at him. “Yeah! I just…was busy…” Moving quickly for the cage he pulled his gauntlets back to him before using slipping his fingers in-between the bars, pulling them and the ones beside them apart with relative ease.