Here's my character! [hider=Anton Petrov] Name: Anton Petrov Alias: Phantom Any Alliances: None, though he's open to one if anyone doesn't mind his brutal style of justice. Enemies: Polybius (CS will be up tomorrow) Hero/Villain: Anti-hero Age: 26 Gender: Male Race: Human of Russian descent Powers: None Weapons: Brass knuckles, but he is able to improvise weapons on the spot. Also has as grappling hook. Skills: Advanced hand-to-hand combatant (knows a number of pressure points and the best way to take down an opponent fast), stealth, acrobatics and great detective skills. Weaknesses: No skill in the use of firearms or ranged weapons (the grappling hook being an obvious exception, if you count that as a ranged weapon), basically has a glass jaw (it doesn't take a lot to knock him out, which is why he prefers to dodge attacks rather than face them head-on), and he'll never compromise his views on morality (which means that, even if punishing a villain would lead to something like the world being destroyed, he won't compromise if it means letting the villain get away with their crimes). Personality: Anton is a man of few words, instead choosing to let his eyes or, in some cases, his fists talk for him. Has a very strong sense of justice and doing what's right, and believes that to achieve peace and harmony he must rid the world of every bit of scum there is in it. That means anything from the common criminal to a serial killer to a corrupt politician. This usually leads to, at the very least, him leaving criminals with several broken bones, cracked ribs, and just barely alive. And that's at least. Usually very calm, though mention of his parents will make him snap (due to his mother being a dead prostitute who hated him and his father having left them before Anton was born). Also hates men who hire prostitutes, due to his past. Keeps a journal and buys a new one every year, and usually has inner monologues, as he thinks of himself as a detective in a noir movie. Occupation: Full-time vigilante; he believes that a job would distract him from saving people, thus he doesn't have one. Needless to say he's homeless. Looks: [url=]Anton when not wearing the mask.[/url] Considers himself ugly, thought most might disagree. His costume consists of a white ski mask that cover everything but his eyes, a black fedora, a black trench coat and black gloves. Considers his mask to be his true face, and his actual face to be his 'disguise'. Rarely seen without the mask. Other: Never try to take off his mask. Ever. If you do, you're gonna have a bad time. [/hider]