[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/d9/7e/e1/d97ee1c9c33b77e232bf8c5105a53337.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Story&name=Feathergraphy_Clean.ttf&size=75&style_color=00C4FF[/img][/center] All know the tale of King Cassius, the one true lord of our land. We have known his strife and agony, and how he ripped the throne from the devious claws of his tyrannous brothers. He has been blessed by the Jay and her holy light, and has been given the right to rule over our beloved home. There has not been a time where he has left us to suffer in the darkness, constantly reminding us that the gods and goddesses still watch over and protect us even more diligently than him, and that the Jay will provide us with all that is needed. Our home has mostly known peace and tranquility. But when King Cassius told us of a vision from his beloved Jay was when the calmness was wisked away by worry and distrust. He claimed that our neighbors across the Clouded Sea were evil, vile, and grotesque; the Jay told him that we must find a way to convert them, or they would do the same to us while our guard was low. And so, we prepared for war. We prayed to the Hawk for many days before the invasion. We begged for him to bless our armies with the strength of dragons and the ferocity of gryphons. And once we made contact with our mysterious neighbors, we thought that, surely, that all the gods would be behind our cause. However, we were mistaken; the enemy, with their hand dragons that sprayed ash and metal upon our armies, felled most of our men. It was not long before we were sent scrambling to a broken home and to a disappointed king. It has been some time, about two years, after that so called "war" has occurred, and precious King Cassius has grown disgruntled over the state of our nation. After the conflict with the neighboring country, people have been showing their disdain. Seeing this, the king has stated that the reason that the war was lost was that there were spies in our very home; he decreed that every traitor will be hunted down and brought to justice, and our home will once again rise to glory. [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Plot&name=Feathergraphy_Clean.ttf&size=75&style_color=00C4FF[/img][/center] Xororis-- a land filled of mystique, wonder, and a never-ending variety of living creatures. Such a large landmass is where the races of our world make their homes. Made up of five nations, it is ruled by High King Cassius, First of His Name. He is known as a... rather loving man, but recently, his love for the Jay has been clouding his mind. Many people think he is going insane. Others think that he has the right to express his infatuation with his gods and goddesses. All that is known, however, is that Xororis is not the same after the short-term conflict with the neighboring continent, Astrax. One nation of Xororis has even crushed by the armies of Astrax, due to the fact they have weapons that no one has seen before. Crippled, Xororis struggles to rebuild after reaching an armistice with Astrax while King Cassius' sanity wanes. He has claimed that almost no one can be trusted, that there could be spies in every corner. Tension builds between races. Homes are raided and families are slaughtered. The Kingsguard have names on lists, and those names are hunted down and disposed of. Will there be a rebellion against the king's orders? Or will King Cassius destroy all that we call home? We will be playing the people of Xororis at the brink of revolution; you can play as an ordinary citizen, a veteran, or someone who is planning a revolt. Just remember, all that you do and will do will be noted and recorded... and there is no such thing as no consequences. [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Races&name=Feathergraphy_Clean.ttf&size=75&style_color=00C4FF[/img][/center] [center][hider=Solarians]Solarians are basically humans; their skin can range from sickly white to a broad expanse of peaches and browns. They are one of the only races that practice magic and wield a large variety of weapons.[/hider] [hider=Elves]Tall and lithe, elves are known to be beautiful but delicate. The shade of their skin is always a light color, but their eyes and hair colors are closely similar to solarians'. Because of their small frames, they are known to mostly stick to lighter weapons (such as bows or swords made of light material) and magic.[/hider] [hider=Inguz]Inguz mostly resemble solarians, save for the extra appendages they bear. Depending on the type of animal they shift into, they wield tails or even wings. For instance, if an inguz is classified as a wolf inguz, they will have pointed wolf ears and a tail in their non-shifted (or calmed) forms. In their feral forms, they resemble larger versions of the creature. If a wolf inguz decides to shift, it will turn into a larger wolf. Inguz cannot practice magic. There are specific major classes of inguz: vulpine, canine, feline, avian, and ursine. Inguz are typically looked down upon by solarians. There is also a recurring presence of racism within their own kind as well, as different classes do not get along and prefer to live with the same class in differing tribes.[/hider] [hider=Dwarves]Short and stocky, male dwarves often bear thick beards and mustaches. Female dwarves are also said to be... hairier than most other female counterparts, but they appear to be offended if they are asked. Despite their small stature, they are considered a stubborn and strong race. Like inguz, they cannot practice magic, but rely solely on their strength to survive. They exhibit great resistance to the cold.[/hider] [hider=Orcs]Possibly the tallest of all races in Xororis. They are thick-skinned and broad-shouldered, and some have fangs or tusks protruding from their lips. Their hair is always dark (either black or dark brown) and their skin color ranges from greens to browns. Most accounts state that orcs are hostile to those who are not their own kind. Orcs are considered a savage race, but surprisingly, they are able to practice magic. They are also said to be immune to poisons. [/hider] [hider=Half-Bloods]Half-bloods are individuals with the blood of two races. They exhibit traits according to what races their parents fall under. However, they are thought to be sub-human, and are treated accordingly so. [/hider][/center] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Geography&name=Feathergraphy_Clean.ttf&size=75&style_color=00C4FF[/img][/center] As stated before, Xororis is a continent with a variety of biomes (with their respective flora and fauna) and races. There are approximately five nations within its borders. The High King rules all of these nations altogether, but the lords of each country help govern them. [center][hider=Estiala ]The largest nation of Xororis and where King Cassius makes his home. It is heavily urbanized, compared to other countries. There literally isn't anything you can't find in Estiala; there are brothels, smiths, coliseums, art galleries, and more. Located next to the Clouded Sea, this country is well-known for its exquisite tastes in seafood. Xororis' naval units are stationed here, for good measure; due to it being on the eastern coast of Xororis, it is heavily exposed to unknown enemies. Estiala's valkyrie is highly-renowned for both their loyalty and grace. The capital is called Loralis, and, even from afar, one can see its glorious castles and beautiful infrastructures perched upon cliff edges and overlooking the Clouded Sea. [/hider] [hider=Jadrait]To the extreme north of Xororis is Jadrait. It has freezing climates and borders the Frostback Mountains. This nation is the dwarves' motherland, and you cannot take that away from them. They are extremely proud of their nation, and for good reason-- precious ores are hidden away within the rock of the mountains, and it is usually their job to mine it. Without these ores, Xororis' weapon production would be severely hindered. Interestingly enough, Jadrait's capital, Yogrore, is actually located underneath the Frostback Mountains. Even though it is underground, it is just as expansive and wondrous as any foreign major city.[/hider] [hider=Qastos]To the south of Jadrait and to the north of Ecros lies Qastos. Here, the climate is warmer and more arid, but not incredibly so-- during the winters, the winds from the Frostback Mountains reach Qastos and envelop it in soft snows. This nation's towns and villages are planted on rocky cliffs and mountain ridges, where the orcs make their home. Not many people dare to travel to Qastos on their lonesome, due to the nature of its inhabitants. Qastos' capital is named Srein. Not many travelers know how the city looks like, but friendly-enough orcs will describe it as perched upon a cliff-ledge. It is also said to overlook the Crimsonsun Valley, where the walls of the valley are colored a dark, almost blood, red.[/hider] [hider=The Far West (Ecros)]To the south of Qastos used to lie a rather peaceful nation filled with plains, deserts, and some greenery. But during the conflict with Astrax, it was reduced to a stretch of sand and dirt. Deserts now cover most of the land, and there is hardly a wooded area to take refuge in from the searing sun. A shanty, unnamed town is the only establishment located with the Far West's borders, but filled with weary travelers and shady faces. Thankfully, Ecrians are trying their best to rebuild their nation, but it is currently lawless, corrupt, and extremely dangerous to traverse. [/hider] [hider=The Xacrines]The Xacrines are located to the furthest south of Xororis. It is covered by large bodies of forests and rather isolated from the rest of the continent. Like Qastos, there are not many who dare to venture into the forests of this nation; both its inhabitants and its creatures pose a rather serious threat. The elves and inguz of this country make their homes within the forests themselves, living in harmony with the centaurs, sprites, nymphs, and other creatures that approach them. Inguz do not have a capital to call their own, as they live in tribes according to their species and scattered throughout the Xacrines. But the elves' capital is named Yoan, the closest and largest city to the Southern Seas. Yoan's buildings are not made of stone and dirt, but instead, of wood and vines; this does not make them less gorgeous, however, as the elves have spent much of their time creating their most prized city.[/hider] [hider=Astrax]Not much is known about the neighboring country all of the way to the east of Estiala and the Clouded Sea. All that is known is that they have dangerous weapons that are slightly more advanced than Xororis' own.[/hider][/center] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Mounts%20of%20Xororis&name=Feathergraphy_Clean.ttf&size=75&style_color=00C4FF[/img][/center] Xororis claims to have a multitude of creatures within its borders, but only a small fraction can be ridden like horses. Here is a list of mounts your character can ride, excluding the common equine that everyone can own. Not every single character can have a mount; remember that they are expensive to take care of. The more exotic mounts are given to Xororis' armies. [center][hider=Raptors] [center][url=http://pre01.deviantart.net/bed7/th/pre/f/2013/058/1/6/raptor_concept_by_thenightmaredragon-d5wdt8k.jpg]Strider-class Raptor[/url] [url=http://pre08.deviantart.net/cc24/th/pre/f/2013/140/d/9/dino_by_thenightmaredragon-d65z4gl.jpg]Juggernaut-class Raptor[/url] [b]Temperament:[/b] Well-trained raptors are hardly aggressive, but are rather difficult to break. [b]Size:[/b] About the size of a horse. [b]Color:[/b] Usually earth-colored, but may have bright-colored markings as seen on the pictures.[/center] [i]Raptors are one of the more common military mounts due to their decent size. Strider-class raptors are known for their speed and maneuverability, while Juggernaut-class raptors are known for their strength. Both, however, deliver fearsome bites. Female raptors bear smaller horns. [/i][/hider] [hider=Eyries] [center][url=http://img15.deviantart.net/95b1/i/2015/214/d/7/draco_stryx_field_study_by_sezaii-d93vqqm.png]Eyrie[/url] [b]Temperament:[/b] Friendly, sometimes temperamental. [b]Size:[/b] Slightly smaller than a dragon; about half the length of a school bus and roughly the same size. [b]Color:[/b] Ranges from whites to browns to blacks.[/center] [i]Sometimes called feathered wyverns, eyries are one of the rarer mounts of the Xororian army and are practically exclusive to the Estialian valkyrie. Eyries roughly resemble large owls or crows/ravens. They are more agile in the air than the rest of the winged mounts.[/i] [/hider] [hider=Gryphons] [center][url=http://img04.deviantart.net/8ba3/i/2011/125/d/b/gryphon_by_katepfeilschiefter-d3fndg6.jpg]Gryphon[/url] [b]Temperament:[/b] Neutral. Can be aggressive. [b]Size:[/b] About half the length of a school bus and roughly the same size. [b]Color:[/b] Can vary widely due to the several different combinations of big cat and bird.[/center] [i]One of the most noble creatures, gryphons are widely revered for their loyalty and dedication. Once they bond with their owners, they will protect them to the death. Gryphons' appearances can vary greatly due to different fusions of feline and avian. Due to their high demand in Xororis, not many ride upon gryphons. They are as mobile in the air as they are on the ground.[/i][/hider] [hider=Chimeras] [center][url=http://pre14.deviantart.net/92d9/th/pre/f/2013/120/5/a/jungle_chimera_by_mystalia-d63mpld.jpg]Chimera[/url] [b]Temperament:[/b] Aggressive. [b]Size:[/b] About the size and length of a transit bus. [b]Color:[/b] Golds to oranges; may be highlighted with colorful hues due to the presence of scales.[/center] [i]The stockier counterpart of the gryphon, chimeras are not known for their speed and mobility, but for their brute force. Chimeras are never given to basic soldiers but to highly experienced riders that can handle a fiery beast such as this one. [/i] [/hider] [hider=Pegasi/Alicorns] [center][url=http://img05.deviantart.net/1667/i/2010/275/5/6/pegasus_by_the_strawberry_tree-d2ywrgp.jpg]Pegasus[/url] [url=http://pre09.deviantart.net/173f/th/pre/i/2011/247/3/1/the_alicorn_by_yellowboots-d48jbe0.jpg]Alicorn[/url] [b]Temperament:[/b] Timid; very easy to handle. [b]Size:[/b] The size of a horse. [b]Color:[/b] The most common is white, rare is black, and almost nonexistent is gray or silver.[/center] [i]One of, if not, the most common mount of Xororis besides horses. Pegasi and alicorns are very intelligent, maneuverable in the skies, and easy to tame. However, they are extremely fragile and easy to injure.[/i][/hider] [hider=Wyverns] [center][url=http://img10.deviantart.net/2d5f/i/2013/014/a/5/wyvern_by_fafnirx-d5rgq0n.png]Wyvern[/url] [b]Temperament:[/b] Neutral; can be aggressive. [b]Size:[/b] About the size and length of a transit bus. [b]Color:[/b] Varies greatly; most common is greens, browns, and black.[/center] [i]One of the more common mounts of Xororis These beasts are known for their agility in the air, but are also known for climbing. Surprisingly, wyverns are able to traverse most terrains, including waterbeds. Contrary to popular belief, wyverns cannot breathe fire, but deliver dangerous bites. [/i] [/hider][/center] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Bestiary&name=Feathergraphy_Clean.ttf&size=75&style_color=00C4FF[/img][/center] The flora and fauna of Xororis is so broadly and almost infinitely variant. Almost every type of creature has been seen or heard of in this expanse of a land. Gryphons and the occasional dragon soar the skies. Sea serpents, kraken, and leviathans lurk below the surface of water. Harpies, sirens, and merpeople lounge near the coasts. That doesn't mean that non-mythological creatures do not exist in the setting. There are still dogs, cats, lions, tigers, elephants, etc. There are also even animals that are considered extinct-- more specifically, mammoths and dodo birds (both of which are considered delicacies all across the map). The flowers, trees, bushes, ferns, and other plants of the world are considered equally as diverse as its animal counterparts. Due to this, there is no "list" of creatures you can find in Xororis or even Astrax. Stick to the classics or create your own (as long as its realistic). [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Magic%20and%20Weaponry&name=Feathergraphy_Clean.ttf&size=75&style_color=00C4FF[/img][/center] In Xororis, weaponry greatly resembles the one found in medieval Europe. Combat on the back of a creature (usually something that is equine or four-legged) is common. There has been rumors of flintlock pistols and even muskets from Astrax being taken and used behind Xororian borders, but they are just considered that: rumors. Magic, however, is not so common. Even though there is a large amount of types of magic (almost an unlimited variety), it is not usually practiced in the presence of others. Mages are looked down upon and even persecuted by normal townsfolk due to the fear and mysterious aspects of their power. Not to mention, magic is very rare, and not many are able to practice it. Those who can cast spells, however, only focus on one area of magic; it is very rare to find a mage who knows two or more fields of magic. There are six types of magic that are currently known within Xororian borders. [center][hider=Destruction/Arcane Magic]The typical type of mage-y spells usually fall under destruction or arcane magic. Mages that practice this type of magic can cast fierce elemental attacks. There are only certain types of elements that they can control however. Fire, wind, lightning, and ice spells fall under this.[/hider] [hider=Conjuration Magic]It's just like how it sounds. With conjuration spells, mages can summon familiars to fight for them, or even produce wards and shields for allies.[/hider] [hider=Charm Magic] Charm magic cannot seriously hurt someone or fell an entire army, but it can get a young mage out of a sticky situation. With a properly casted spell, they can manipulate someone's way of speaking or thinking.[/hider] [hider=Healing Magic]Healing magic is perhaps one of the rarer types of magic. Mages who are adept at this type of magic can basically find an easy spot within the ranks of the armies of Xororis. With the proper healing spell, a large or crippling wound will take a much shorter time to heal. However, healing magic is not instantaneous.[/hider] [hider=Alchemy]Mages that practice alchemy are most often considered alchemists. They are able to infuse man-made weapons with magic for additional affects.[/hider] [hider=Black Magic]Black magic is exactly what it sounds like. Before, when mages were more common and weren't persecuted for their powers, mages who summoned or bonded with demons to make pacts weren't unheard of. Black magic is considered unholy and despicable-- that is why all mages who practiced these types of horrendous spells were either killed off or exiled from the land.[/hider][/center] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Religion&name=Feathergraphy_Clean.ttf&size=75&style_color=00C4FF[/img][/center] Solarians have practiced their religion, called the Flight, for as long as anyone could remember. Their gods and goddesses are considered to be something akin to birds, hence their names. Before King Cassius, the diversity of the races within Xororis earned the right of diverse religions. Now that he has come into power, however, the races are being assimilated under one religion. Anyone who does not believe in these deities are considered heretics or terrible people. [center][hider=The Jay]The main deity of the continent, the Jay is known for being the goddess of light and all that is good. It is said that she reveals prophecies and visions to those who follow her without faltering. It is said that she was the one who created the first mage and introduced magic into the world, and even shunned them when the first black mages made themselves known.[/hider] [hider=The Hawk]The god of war and fierce, overwhelming emotions. He blesses his followers with ambition and determination. It is also said that he helps channel negative emotions such as anger and rage.[/hider] [hider=The Dove]The patron goddess of love. She protects mothers and children, and is said to bless newly-weds and couples of all ages.[/hider] [hider=The Owl]The Owl represents wisdom and a clear mind. He is extremely mysterious, however, and is thought to be linked to betrayal and other terrible discoveries.[/hider] [hider=The Sisters (Crow and Raven)]Sister Crow and Sister Raven work hand in hand. Sister Crow is the goddess of death and the one who watches over the dead in the afterlife, or Valhalla. Sister Raven is the one who helps the dying through their rite of passage and guides them to their rest. Both sisters, however, protect the mortal realm from demons.[/hider] [hider=The Sparrow]God of mischief and secrets; he has also seemed to take a liking towards scribes and bookkeepers.[/hider] [hider=The Heron]God of grace and artistic capability; dancers and bards worship him greatly.[/hider][/center] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Some%20Notes&name=Feathergraphy_Clean.ttf&size=75&style_color=00C4FF[/img][/center] [center]I'm not going to write a list of rules for you guys, since I trust that you are all civilized adults experienced in the world of roleplaying. However, I am going to tell you a few things about the RP and the world itself before you're able to fill out a sheet. You must be 18+ to join this RP. There might be some adult themes in this story, and no one wants to get in trouble. Please, please be active and tell us if you have to poof for a bit. In the beginning of the RP, all of the characters will find a reason to be in the Far West. As stated before, magic is extremely rare. I'm only allowing two mages in this RP. (1/2) Usage of pistols and muskets is even rarer. I'm only allowing one person to use these weapons. (1/1 - taken) If a certain race or two is obviously more popular compared to others, I am closing it off. Same thing applies to gender. Please, please, take your time in creating actual characters, not shells. You may format the skeleton however you'd like, as they will be permalinked to the second post.[/center] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Character%20Skeleton%20&name=Feathergraphy_Clean.ttf&size=75&style_color=00C4FF[/img][/center] Username: Name: Age: (How old are they, or how old do they appear? Charries should appear over 18, but under 50.) Gender: Race: Origin: Profession: (Are they a baker? A hired assassin? Or one of the kingsguard? Choose something reasonable.) Weapons: (Magic can be included in this section.) Appearance: (You can choose a picture or write out their appearance, or even both. However, I will not allow the use of face-claims or real life pictures. Instead, you may use semi-realistic art or even anime.) Personality: Short Biography: Other Notes: (Here you can add anything else that you didn't think belonged under the other headings.)