[quote=@Ambra] [@VKAllen] A character cannot [i]appear[/i] older than 50. For instance, an elf can be hundreds of years old, but they have to appear 18-50 years old. [/quote] Thanks for the clarification! :] It will take me time to produce a biography. [Hider=Airdan Valtumal] [b]Username:[/b] VKAllen [b]Name:[/b] Airdan Valtumal [b]Age:[/b] 216 (appears to be 24) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Origin:[/b] The Xacrines [b]Profession:[/b] A member of a Sacred Order of the Xacrines Forest, "Nightbird's Sentry" [b]Weapons:[/b] Hand-and-Half Sword, [url=https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/78392-24-1472715361.jpg]"the Visceroy"[/url] Longbow Quiver of Barbed Arrows [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://talesfromthecards.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/twins.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] "What's the meaning of life? Drink and be merry. Maybe bedding many women too! I've still got many many years!" [i]If you had believed that elves were the stoic and headstrong kind of individuals, it certainly would've broken every stereotype that is not Airdan. The lighthearted trait had come as a blessing in disguise for Airdan during his travels for many years. Most of the Order had the mysterious and silent tonality was outshined by his seemingly friendly and open attitude that opened unexpected doors at times that their pride would obstruct their advance. This is not to say that he doesn't follow the Order's Code-- in fact he does.[/i] [b]Short Biography:[/b] [i]The Nightbird's Sentry's task was simple; to keep the balance of the Forest. Guided by the Owl's immense wisdom, they traverse the thick bushes and dense forestry to carry out their tasks. Their abilities to blend into the background was unrivaled to the naked and untrained eye of typical outsiders of Xacrines. This level of camouflage was necessary to take down the anomalies that dare threaten the forest. Airdan is a member of such Order. Operating close to 200 years mastered the path of tracking the forest and also becoming the forest. His achievements within the Order were not notable but consists of smaller ones such as adhering to the Order's Code. He also traversed outside of Xacrines often, visiting the Solarian capital Estiala to pay their respect to the King and also as a holiday zone for many elves taking a break from their duties. [/i] Other Notes: [/hider]