Thanks, [@McHaggis], for reeling me into yet another roleplay (the 20th? maybe the 25th? probably like the 100th or something). (^: [hider=Thomas Preston] [center] [img],,/shmooper.medium.png[/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [i]“One of those creatures wrote you once, ‘[url=][color=accfd2]do not call up any that you can not put down[/color][/url]’.” – [b]H.P. Lovecraft[/b][/i] [hr][hr][img][/img] [hr][hr][/center] [img][/img] [indent]Thomas "Tomlin" Preston[/indent] [img],/shmooper.medium.png[/img] [indent]Twenty[/indent] [img],,/shmooper.medium.png[/img] [indent]Male[/indent] [img][/img] [indent]Pansexual[/indent] [img][/img] [indent]Michael Preston - Father Maria Preston - Mother Blake Preston - Sister[/indent] [img][/img] [indent]N/A[/indent] [img][/img] [indent]Contains the usual enhanced powers that Slayers have. In particular, Thomas is more sensitive to sounds and sound cues than most Hunters. Doesn't necessarily know it, but Thomas has an innate resistance to powers that affect the mind: telepathy, mind control, etc.[/indent] [img][/img] [indent]Subtle resembles an apt description concerning what comprises of the person Thomas reflects. Many of the actions taken have no overt meaning behind them - they simply lack the deliberation of one sure assured of themselves. Hesitation doesn't register in Thomas' mind, but a kind of passiveness that veils most of his actions to lend to that subtlety. Of course, subtlety and passiveness don't necessarily coincide. What Thomas does and does not do often speak loud in his own mind, and to those who care to pay attention to the sequence, the relative order, of anything he does or says. There's a connection there, a self-awareness that personifies the subtle fixture that Thomas has so fixated. Everything he does has a reason behind it, though that reason means nothing in the each, individual action he takes; one requires the whole picture to even make sense of what and why Thomas does. This self-assurance grants Thomas a quiet confidence, often unwavering in its resilience. It's quite difficult to perceive even while in Thomas' good company. Of anything that Thomas hides, his pride remains the best hidden beneath his usual reserved, calm, and aloof presence. Perhaps that's why he contains such hubris and that inevitable assurance that, regardless of what he does, he'll come out on top. Thomas isn't humble, he just doesn't brag; however, in saying that, Thomas will, at every opportunity, make his own achievement quite known. To people who lack any real insight on who Thomas is, most of his comments remain under some veil of innocence, though he often speaks of others' shortcomings as fact. Of all things, Thomas' has every bit the spit and fire that his sister does, his is just more subdued. It's not obvious, as it never is with Thomas, his anger is quick to burst to flames. Yet, his anger lacks heat in the sense that it's not all dragon's breath and flames. Thomas' anger stings, ice and cold, and is often regulated to a steady simmer. His remarks aim to leave a mark, over everything else and they don't lend those who've earned his ire any clue to just how angry he is, or if he's even mad to begin with. Mostly, Thomas' has a vindictive streak a mile wide and any slight to him is always returned in a greater manner down the road. Grudges aren't a mystery to Thomas.[/indent] [img][/img] [indent]Raised by his father to hunt vampires after he came of age (in his father's eyes; twelve) and does so with his sister, Blake. Recently, they failed to protect their mother; despite rocky relations, her death still affects both Preston siblings deeply. They seek possible vengeance. [i]TBC[/i][/indent] [img][/img] [indent][color=#d2afac]⟐[/color] Has and will likely still be mistaken for a mute; he talks, just not often.[/indent] [/hider]