[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/AZWLxb9.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236254134414737408/238068888619843584/IMG_7237.JPG[/img] PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Name/Nickname: Taimaine Hoshi Height: 5'4" Weight:108 lbs Body Modifications: On her back she had a huge scar going from her right shoulder to the middle of her back,no one other than she knows where the scar came from. People assumed it was from the mercenary job that killed her father. Other Appearance details: She is secretly a werewolf and the scar on her back is from that werewolf that she managed to kill. In her werewolf form she has fur that matches her hair and bright green eyes. Birth date: April 20th Zodiac: Taurus Title/Reputation: Mercenary Temperament: She tends to take things too serious in most cases. She tends to have sleeping problems and that tends to leave her exhausted. She hates being enclosed and will tend to flip out.If her blood starts rushing too quickly through her body, she will transform. Personal quirks: She hates it when someone is not telling the truth about the mission she is on causing her to fuck up majority when she should have been told the truth. She has a bit of an OCD issue regarding her armor and swords as they have to be in the same place whenever she is done using them Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Hobby: Whenever she is not on a mission, she loves to cook and draw whenever she could. She can make very delicious things from scratch and loves it when people enjoy her cooking. She loves to help people in any way she can. Insecurities: People knowing her secret about being a werewolf. She is scared to be abandoned by the people she loves. Capabilities: She is a master sword woman and is a master of any blade except silver blades. She is also trained in hand to hand combat and other blade like weapons.[/center] Text color- First color-#BB8FCE Second color-#E74C3C Third-#3498DB