"You're fine, you're fine!" Kiro laughed, as he rubbed his right shoulder gently, the spot where Asuka had really agitated. "Really, I can't seem to thank you guys enough for all you've been doing for me." He awkwardly explained, as he continued to laugh. "Really now, Asuka, you think it was those silly Jiu Jitsu moves that helped the kid out?" Bakusa laughed mockingly (it wasn't a very convincing one, really.), as he leaned against the doorframe. "Why don't you tell her, Kiro? It wasn't nothing but the Science of the Eight Limbs that helped you defeat that Judo-freak." He proceeded to demonstrate how Kiro had PROBABLY taken the bully out, showing a series of swift elbow and knee combinations. Nervous, Kiro started to sweat profusely. "Well, you see-..." Kiro shifted his eyes to every corner of the room, as he desperately looked for a quick exit. Now not only did he feel the eyes of Asuka and Bakusa, but he knew the other masters were watching, and listening to every word he said! No matter what he said, he'd at least get beat up by one of the masters for not handling the fight as they showed him to handle it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Some unspecified time later, probably the next morning.) Mr. Yamamura slammed both of his fists down on the table, as he looked his son in the eye, a stern, angry look on his face. "Why is it, ever since you started going to that stupid dojo, you've been coming home with nothing but bruises, bandages, and broken bones!?" Kiro's father screamed at him. Kiro was seated at the other side of the dining room table, his book bag sitting on his lap, as gritted his teeth, avoiding his dad's eye contact. "I told you, it's just been a coincidence. I'm pretty clumsy, you know, I just fe-" Kiro started to laugh it off, but his dad cut his sentence off before he could manage to finish. "Yesterday one of your teachers called and said you ditched school, missed half your classes! But I know you didn't come home, because your mother was here!" He gave a gesture to Mrs. Yamamura, who stood behind him, tears in her eyes. "So where did you go, son? You went to the dojo! You're nothing but a little liar! You're too young to understand, Kiro, those people are only using you for your money, and on top of that, they're abusing you for the giggles!" His father explained. Kiro stood up from his seat, tossing the backpack over his shoulder (wincing slightly in pain, because his shoulder's bruised), as he stared at his father right back. "The dojo, my masters, they've done nothing but help me in ways you couldn't even imagine! You guys just don't understand!" Kiro expressed angrily, as he scooted his chair back slightly, so he could get out from the table area. "I better get going, I'll see you guys later." Kiro muttered, as he left out the door. "Kiro, wait! Help us understand, then!" His father called out for him, but it was too late, he was already gone. He hugged his wife tightly. (I'll continue this later, yo.)