There was a simple fault in this plan. Simple, but a very, very big fuck-off fault. Solveig only realized it when she saw Do'Karth, that fucking half-head pacifist who joined a mercenary company- albeit, he was [i]her[/i] fucking half-head pacifist- walking headlong at a group of jumpy adventurers. She realized that if she was in any of their shoes at the moment, she wouldn't trust anyone who wasn't part of her crew. Much less a Khajiit. Her realization about the big fault in the shitty plan came too late, as a trio of weapons came sailing towards Do'Karth. She felt her heart stop and she closed her eyes,every part of her cringing, not wanting to see her friend killed. But then she heard Do'Karth's voice, “Do'Karth, you fucking idiot.” She whispered, hefting her shield and readying herself to move forward with her group to draw attention away from the Khajiit with a stupid lack of armor. How many times did she say that his refusal to wear at least a padded cloth shirt would be his end? Before she could advance with everyone else, a completely out-of-place scream came from behind her in the name of the Emperor. She felt the wind of a passing sprinter and saw Sagax charging forth, bellowing his weird warcry. Her mouth was agape until she regained her wits at the multiple pieces of fuck-up in this disastrous puzzle they'd now have to solve. [b]“Sagax, you fucking idiot!”[/b] She screamed as her semblance of a warcry as she rushed to help the runner-boy with a deathwish, hoping the others were following or else the only help she'd be giving Sagax was making sure he wasn't the only one dying. She stood next to Do'Karth, readying her shield and keeping the point of her spear in front of anyone hoping to advance on the Khajiit, “You know, your stubborn rejection of armor is going to kill you one of these days, you half-head.” She said over her shoulder to Karth, keeping her eyes on the enemies in front her.