"Ya shoulds gets up, yes ya shoulds..." Marius heard a familiar, raspy - if not in this situation completely unwelcome - voice from next to himself. The goblin standing next to the hunched over bandaged elf could well have been just a figment of his imagination - after all it seemed to be completely unaffected by the Lord of Plague's divine word. Not to mention that the goblin was also a giant in comparison to the rest of his kin - standing nearly 5 feet tall when standing up straight. "I thinks them elf-y gods were nasty, an' the drow-y gods even worse, but then ya boss decides to speak all god-y like." The goblin offered a surprisingly strong hand to the bandaged elf who seemed more or less still dazed from the rather painful happenings. "Stybs? Is that really you or am I just hallucinating again?" Marius inquired from the goblin while using some magic to clean himself up and another little spell to burn away the black, mutating blob from the forest floor while being very cautious not to allow the fire to spread. "Yes!" The goblin squeaked and took a better hold of the broken pickaxe he used as a walking stick - and an impromptu weapon and holy symbol to boot. "Stybs Orcgutter! At ya service elf-y." Stybs pointed at himself with the thumb of his left hand and smiled a very toothy smile. The smile however disappeared as soon as it had arrived when the goblin noticed that Marius was still not quite back to fighting fit. "Ya needs a good dose of healing-y magics, yes ya do." The statement was made with a surprisingly grim and slightly worried tone. The bandaged elf swayed back and forth a bit before shaking his head. "I'll manage. The last time that happened..." Marius shook his head again and gathered his bearings while glancing up slightly. "I think you overdid it slightly m'lord." He felt a wave of amusement through his connection with Antharg and just shrugged his shoulders. "Though they did overreact a bit too in my opinion." "Yeah yeah... the last time tha' happened all them dwarf gits was even more stunty and very very veeery dead... and bubbling, yes them was." Stybs glanced around cautiously and sniffed the air. "Ya think we shoul go an' try to make 'nother contact with 'em humans and that other elf-y? Maybe I'll do the talkin' this time." He kept seemingly absentmindedly staring at the trees, like he was looking for something in particular. "Ya gotta be one damn git to get yaself mixed up with the Lord of Plague, ya know that? Even them drow-y gods ain't as mean..." "Well.. yes. Very bubbling." Marius couldn't really remembered what had happened the last time - after all he came to a week after the whole debacle, but what the damn goblin had told him it had at least been an interesting watch. "Hey now, all of us can't be chosen by a god to lead your people out of slavery. Still... you are not completely wrong on that statement." The two began moving towards the rough direction Rook had moved towards. "o'course I ain'ts wrong! I is very smart! Ya coulds say Stybs be smartiest goblin thar be!" The goblin made another toothy smile and cackled. The funny - or unnerving - thing about the goblin was that his eloquence and smarts seemed to very much depend on the situation. Occasionally he might be the daftest goblin you ever see, but when it came to fighting or gods forbid siege of some sort Stybs was frighteningly efficient. He was also very good at riling people up and inciting a large mob of people - usually of many races - to do what he wanted. Maybe one of the goblin gods had a nasty sense of humor.