[center]CEALCDŪNA (The Chalk Mountains)[/center] [center][img]http://www.vexilla-mundi.com/global_historical_flags/viking_flag.png[/img][/center] [center]BIOGRAPHY[/center] Society is separated into freefolk and slaves. Women have almost the same standing as men, and some women fight in the warbands. At the head of each community is a duke, and several dukes are ruled by the king. People live in [url=http://primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/saxons/houses/hall2.jpg]thatch-roof houses[/url], and leaders and kings in [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d7/62/ed/d762ed9dbac1347cefcef2db5de7b6b7.jpg]mead-halls[/url]. They formed after leaving their homeland, which was constantly flooded. They thought it was the end of the world. The King is more of a first-citizen, there is no feudal system. He is protected by his personal bodyguard the Gesithas. [center]CULTURE[/center] As a warrior society, people respect generosity, fairness, power and leadership. Leaders are expected to lead at the vanguard in battle, and fight personally. Warriors are bound by oath to their king, and the king is bound by oath to his warriors. Adulthood is reached at 12 and people are expected to live alone at 14. Marriage happens at 12-14 years of age. Most people are farmers all-year-round. [center]RELIGION[/center] They worship a pantheon of Gods, who they worship through ritual sacrifices of animals, votive offerings, rituals, monoliths and godpoles. [center]MILITARY STATS[/center] Horses are not used militarily. 1000 men, divided into several ranks. Everyone has a shield, spear and three throwing spears, allowing them to form shieldwalls. 5 siege weapons. Service is forced for able-bodied men (from 12 to 60 years old) in times of war. In a defense situation, everyone fights.