[center][h1]INNOVATIONS[/h1] [b][u]Updated To[/u][/b]: [i]Turn 4[/i][/center] [hider=STEAM LOCOMOTIVE] [[b]STEAM LOCOMOTIVE[/b]: Growth at 5% per Year for Neighboring Provinces (Gowi, Lorrunz, Corrstug). +1% Growth for Involved for 25 Economic Actions]. - After an [b]Involved[/b] Province has reached 15%, it will spread to attached Provinces. [b]- Steam Locomotive[/b]: * 30%: May design [b]Locomotive Industry[/b]: (-100 Economic Rating. -3 Economic Rating/Year) * 35%: May build [b]Locomotive Depot[/b] in that City: (-40 Economic Rating. -2 Economic Rating/Year) [Requires a [b]Level 1 Locomotive Industry[/b]] * 40%: build [b]Basic Rail[/b] between 2 cities in that region: (-55 Economic Rating. -1 Economic Rating/Year) [Requires a [b]Level 1 Locomotive Industry[/b]] [hr] -- [b]Locomotive Depot[/b]: [i]A depot where trains are stored and from where they can embark supplies and passengers[/i]. For every Depot, a maximum of 5 Locomotives and 50 Cars can be stored. -- [b]Basic Rail[/b]: [i]A single rail between two cities[/i]. -- [b]Locomotive Industry[/b]: A company whose primary intent is to design and build locomotives. [hr] [b]DESIGN & PURCHASING[/b] -- [b]Design New Industry[/b] ([i]Costs $155. -$12/Turn if [b]Nationalized[/b][/i]) * Name Company * Assign: [Nationalized] or [Privatized] - [b]Nationalized[/b]: Owned by the state, new depots and rail lines can be built by the state. - [b]Privatized[/b]: Owned privately, new depots and rail lines are done on a basis of semi-randomized growth. [hr] [b]INVOLVED PROVINCES[/b] - [i]Zeelia[/i] ([b][color=purple]Zeelian Empire[/color][/b]): 18% (+5%/Turn) - [i]Lorrunz[/i] ([b][color=black]Empire of Vornehm[/color][/b]): 10% (+3%/Turn) - [i]Corrstug[/i] ([b][color=black]Empire of Vornehm[/color][/b]): 10% (+3%/Turn) - [i]Gowii[/i] (Civitas, NPC): 10% (+3%/Turn) [b]EMBRACED[/b][/hider] [hider=TELEGRAPHY] [b]Not Invented[/b] [/hider] [hider=IRONCLAD WARSHIPS] [b]Not Invented[/b] [/hider] [hider=THE MACHINE GUN] [b]Not Invented[/b] [/hider] [hider=AUTOMOBILE] [b]Not Invented[/b] [/hider] [hider=AVIATION] [b]Not Invented[/b] [/hider] [hr] [center][h1][b]INDUSTRIES[/b][/h1][/center] [b]Industries[/b] are essential to the development of your nation. When innovations become reality, your industries will sprout and must be maintained or fostered to grow. Without them, you will lose any technological edge you possess. [hider=Transport Industry] [hider=Nationalization] 1. Your government can purchase any Privatized company for it's [b]Net Worth[/b]. It then becomes Nationalized. 2. A Nationalized company is owned by the state, and it's growth then becomes dependent on the state. [b][u]Transport Company[/u][/b] * [b]Overhead[/b]: Costs $12 Economic Rating for every [b]1 City[/b] they operate in. Costs $1 Economic Rating for every 5 Carriages they operate. * [b]Purchase Horse Drawn Carriage[/b]: $1 Economic Rating. * [b]Open Operations in New City[/b]: $45 Economic Rating. * [b]Open Operations in [u]Foreign[/u] City[/b]: $75 Economic Rating. * [b]Carriages[/b]: generate $.5/turn. Rounded down cumulatively.[/hider] [b][color=darkgreen][u]Kingdom of Aontas[/u][/color][/b] [list][*][b]Gjensidige Allmennaksjeselskap[/b] [PRIVATIZED = Taxation is $.1 per Horse Carriage] [*][b]Function[/b]: [i]Passengers[/i] [*][b]Carrier[/b]: [i]Horse-drawn Carriage[/i] ([i]1817[/i]) [Obsolete in 1832.] [*][b]Net Worth[/b]: $100 Economic Rating. [Purchase Price] [1 Carriage = $10, 1 City = $40] [hider=PRIVATIZED GROWTH]- [b]GROWTH[/b]: [1d10 every turn.] * 1 = Regression. Lose 2 Horse Drawn Carriages. * 2-9 = Purchase 3 Horse Drawn Carriage in City #[1d1] * 10 [First Time] = Plan to Extend to Another City * 10 [Second Time] = Open Operations in Another City[/hider]- [City #1] [i]Ligested[/i]: 6% Service (6 [i]Horse-drawn carriages (1817)[/i]) [+$0.6 / Turn Rounded Up = $1/Turn] [*][b]Breakdown[/b]: 10% Chance [*][b]Operational[/b]: 6 of 6.[/list] [b][color=blue][u]Empire of Oslad[/u][/color][/b] [list][*][b][b]Aktien Gesellschaft der Auto-Fabrik vormals G. Sigl[/b] [/b] [PRIVATIZED = Taxation is $.1 per Horse Carriage] [*][b]Function[/b]: [i]Passengers[/i] [*][b]Carrier[/b]: [i]Horse-drawn Carriage[/i] ([i]1817[/i]) [Obsolete in 1832.] [*][b]Net Worth[/b]: $100 Economic Rating. [Purchase Price] [1 Carriage = $10, 1 City = $40] [hider=PRIVATIZED GROWTH]- [b]GROWTH[/b]: [1d10 every turn.] * 1 = Regression. Lose 2 Horse Drawn Carriages. * 2-9 = Purchase 3 Horse Drawn Carriage in City #[1d1] * 10 [First Time] = Plan to Extend to Another City * 10 [Second Time] = Open Operations in Another City[/hider]- [City #1] [i]Kamerovs[/i]: 4% Service (4 [i]Horse-drawn carriages (1817)[/i]) [+$0.4 / Turn Rounded Up = $1/Turn] [*] [b]Breakdown[/b]: 10% Chance [*][b]Operational[/b]: 6 of 6.[/list][/hider]