[center][h1][color=6ecff6] Nora Baker [/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://s20.postimg.org/q1b8o5ht9/vampire_in_fog_1.jpg[/img][/center] Nora had stood there with her arm bleeding for several moments and then when her help was obviously bring rejected she allowed it to close and sat next to Rick. She knew she was a vampire but Rick was her cousin. Nora was unusually quiet for quite a while taking Sasha's rejection very personally. Nora decided to go out back with Piper and see if she could figure out the pack members and their stance on the entire situation. Nora was waiting to tell what she knew til Violet said that everyone was there. She didn't want to do this more than once, especially since she was largely responsible for much of it. She knew that there was a lot of it that might make her very hated but she had done what she had to to protect Rick and Piper and if they their safety were the reward she would do it again. She sat on the steps out back and looked out into the yard. One particular wolf emerged and came up to her. Nora's expression was sad and troubled. One of the younger wolves came forward and shifted to human. Nora looked at his face as he sat down next to her. He was about 25ish she guessed. [color=6ecff6]"So why aren't you afraid of me?"[/color] She asked quietly. [color=f7976a]"Should I be? Do you have intent to harm me?"[/color] Nora shook her head. [color=6ecff6]"No, but I've done terrible things to protect my family. Things that I've been ashamed of and would never do on my own otherwise. Does this make me a horrible person?"[/color] She asked the wolf. He thought about it for several moments. [color=f7976a]"I don't think so. Intent tells everything about someone. It tell you who they are deep inside."[/color] Nora shook her head. [color=6ecff6]"No, it doesn't. Sometimes intent has nothing to do with it. If you do bad things to save people you love they are still bad things, regardless. Even though I did them for the right reason it was still wrong and cost a lot of people their lives. That is the hardest part for me. The innocent's lost."[/color] Nora wiped a bloody tear off of her face and looked up at the moon. The young man looked up at the moon and said, [color=f7976a]"That is how you know you are not a monster, you still care about the innocents that are lost."[/color] He shifted and walked back into the darkness. Nora nodded slowly.[color=6ecff6] "Thank you." [/color]She stayed outside for quite a while longer. [@ojo chan 42][@dabombjk][@wraithblade6][@blackpanther]