[center][h1][color=#d12b3e]J[/color]inn [color=662d91]A[/color]nd [color=steelblue]D[/color]alious[/h1][/center] [hr] The reality of their situation came crashing down hard around Jinn as they entered a safe haven. He had seen the scene before him unfold time and time again. Honestly, he wanted to get back into the fight. Their enemy was weakened by the summoning of that beast, it would be the perfect time for a counter attack. Though, their morale was shook. Many looked broken and on the verge of tears. He didn't even want to think about how Kris felt at this point in time. He left from the others, flask gripped tight in his hand, and went about drowning these demons as well. [color=9e0b0f]"I hope the bastards still haven't figured out how to swim yet,"[/color] he muttered to himself as he twisted off the cap. A mouthful of the sweet amber nectar greeted him always the same. It burned at first, then soothed out and tingled. It made his mouth feel numb for a brief moment, which he licked his lips and sighed happily. Elvish brandy, brewed sticks of cinnamon and fermented berries, always brought amazing stories with it. Dalious was tending to a wounded ally as the elf approached the table. He gripped his arms tightly around the young soldier's shoulder and held firm, giving the boy a look of assurance. The soldier's look was the complete opposite, one of worry and fear, and so he asked, "You're..a...medic, right?" [color=steelblue] "Absolutely not," [/color] Dalious replied. "I think I'll just see the healers..." [color=steelblue] "Calm down boy," [/color] Dalious continued. [color=steelblue] "This requires no mage to fix."[/color] Dalious pulled hard as the soldier's arm cracked back into place. He let out a whelp of a cry, then immediately started rubbing and turning it back to health. The kid gave off a groan for a thanks and then left the tent, nodding to the elf as he exited. [color=steelblue] "As do I," [/color] Dalious said, turning his attention to the elven warrior. He pulled out his own flask of rum and clinked his, also taking a shot. The pirate was trying to take his mind off of what happened back there, trying to stay busy in helping the wounded or crafting more supplies. [color=steelblue] "We should still be back there. I feel I am not being used to my full potential!" [/color] It was his stubbornness that got him into bad situations, and it was always the drink that got him out. Well, at least in his mind. Taking a few more hard shots of rum from his flask, the pirate calmed down. He took a nice, long breath, then sat. [color=steelblue] "We could," [/color] he said. [color=steelblue] "The two of us. In and out, never seen. I do not know you personally, but I know the way of elves. It's in your blood. As it is in mine. Every second we wait, the enemies magic becomes greater."[/color] He nodded to his acquaintance that rode into battle with him before hand. Jinn didn't really get the chance to have a heart to heart with everyone as they made their mad dash across the land. [color=9e0b0f]"A fight with a wounded mind is almost as bad as one with a wounded body,"[/color] he replied with a sigh. [color=9e0b0f]"Not impossible, but not exactly smart either."[/color] Jinn took a seat on the ground inside the tent, his lengthy legs tucked underneath him for some comfort. [color=9e0b0f]"Personally, I would love to get into thick of it all."[/color] He couldn't hide his grin, his excitement to leap back into the fray. All he needed was the word. [color=9e0b0f]"Though,"[/color] he continued after a brief sip, [color=9e0b0f]"it looks like the prince is tapping out. Pity, I would have rode into the abyss and back for a chance to fight one of those monstrosities." [/color] The elf shifted himself to look at Dailous square in the eye and raised his flask. [color=9e0b0f]"Name's Jinn by the way, you fought well out there. How many did you happen to take out if you can guess."[/color] What better way to bound than by comparing kill counts. It was a game in his family, back when he had an actual family. Whenever they went to arms, whomever ended the lives of the most eyeblights was rewarded. Dalious laughed as well, something he didn't think he could do in such a sad time. Even in retreat, liquor, whether domestic, imported, or otherwise, could bring back the life to a situation. It also could bring out the worst, but the pirate tried to be optimistic in the moment. [color=steelblue] "Jinn, I am Captain Dalious Durendail," [/color] he said. [color=steelblue] "Pleasure to meet you. My kill count rests pretty at a good 22 men. Which makes my overall 50." [/color] The pirate pulled up a sleeve to show him his tattoo marks of those he has killed. Making a mental note to mark them in before heading back into battle, or doing whatever was to be decided, he rolled his sleeve back down and took another shot. He then pulled out some of the tunalip papers he had stored in one of his many pockets, and began rolling a joint. [color=steelblue] "You?"[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"Impressive,"[/color] he replied quickly as his eyes slid from tally mark. He could only wonder what stories went with each marking. Where their women among those numbers? Children? Jinn had no way of really knowing without an invasion of privacy.. or a buttload of spirits. [color=9e0b0f]"Well, Cap'n, I don't have much to show for my killings. Far too many to forgot, that is for sure."[/color] He grinned a bit, but none of the appeared in his eyes as he turned his vision skyward. [color=9e0b0f]"Two centuries I have walked these lands, from the great halls of Barcea's capitol to the lowest cesspools that Jasi has to offer. Frankly, I am tired of killing. I have done enough of it in my youth."[/color] He paused briefly to stare down at his palms. For a haunting moment, Jinn could see the blood that stained them again. No matter how much he scrubbed he couldn't wash out that brand of crimson. The red, the red that flowed through every living creature. He was shaking slightly as he closed his fists and chuckled a bit. [color=9e0b0f]"I can safely say that I have at minimal four hundred and seventy-five kills to date,"[/color] he continued as he brought his attention back to the captain. [color=9e0b0f]"Many were out of self-defense, others vengeance. Maybe even a few honorable ones here and there."[/color] He could only shrug. What was done was done. He learned long ago that you have to just accept these sort of things for what they were. [color=9e0b0f]"But there is one thing that I have learned from all of this fighting and killing. For each man I send to meet the Divine, I indulge myself in the cardinal pleasures."[/color] He had a cheeky grin again as he took his last swig of brandy. He gave the flask a quick shake before placing back into his breast pocket. [color=9e0b0f]"I still to this day think the best time I had was at this Jasian brothel, Madien's Embrace I think the name was. They had a spread as rich as any treasure. Beauties of all kind, which is rare for Jasians, so I was surprised. I got he pleasure of being entertained by a pair of dark skinned beauties. My people's darker toned cousins actually, Ivory and Pearl were their stage names. But get this, twins they were. Well they gave me the night of my life, however I had to end it quick before high tailing my ass back home to this mess."[/color] He couldn't contain his laughter at his own story. Despite it all, he found merry company to drink and recover with. They would have their time to strike again, but for now it would be best to mend their wounds. [color=9e0b0f]"What about you, O' Cap'n, my Cap'n? You have a love waiting for you somewhere? Perhaps a fiery girl with a lonesome bed back at port?" [/color] The elf's talk of his extremely long life made Dalious feel like such a small thing in the world. To have lived that long and killed all of those people, it only made the pirate feel sad because he knew he would probably travel a similar path if he were immortal. When he heard Jinn's overall kill count he had to add, [color=steelblue] "Maybe it was 53.."[/color] Taking a few puffs from the joint, he passed if the elf was willing, and gave a good smile to the subject of woman. His smile quickly faded as the question was asked, and he took another long shot of whiskey. [color=steelblue] "I was in love once," [/color] he said. [color=steelblue] "Her name was Sari. She was a...merchants daughter in my little watering hole of a town. She caught me stealing, and then we fell in love. Her father, the baron, caught me stealing as well. It was only so long before he tried to chop off my head, but Sari talked him out of it. She was good like that, mate. Instead, I was banished and she snuck out with me. We stole her father's ship and set sail to rule the world together." [/color] Dalious took another hit, then finished off his rum. [color=steelblue] "Instead, we ended up in the wrong crew," [/color] he continued. [color=steelblue] "She was taken from me by men that I had done many jobs with. She was tortured and killed in front of me. I was tossed overboard nearly dead already myself. Vengeance kept me alive. Long story short, I butchered every last one of them. Those I let live became my crew. Those that became my crew ended up betraying me anyway, so I suppose the point is don't trust a fookin' pirate. Except me, of course. I'm trustworthyish." [/color] As he spoke, he pointed at the first tally on his arm indicating that was his first time killing, and then went on to point down the line as he continued to speak. [color=steelblue] "Anyway, I know how the prince feels having someone taken from you right before your very eyes. And since I have nothing left to live for, I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure Cyril gets his vengeance!" [/color] If offered something as precious as this, one does not turn it down. He hadn't preformed at his best last time, but last time no one could have seen that coming. After three long hits, Jinn's lungs cried out. He hacked and wheezed, but enjoyed it nevertheless. [color=9e0b0f]"Whew! That's is strong. Divine bless this root!"[/color] He offered it back to the captain as he listened to what remained of the pirate's story. [color=9e0b0f]"The ones that know the price, know full well what comes next. Be it Vengeance or Pity, the boy prince is now king of these lands. He best come to power soon, unless someone else takes it from him instead."[/color] Jinn raised a hand to try and suppress another cough, his mind wandering a bit. [color=9e0b0f]"You are a trustworthy man, honest when you need to be to say the very least."[/color] He looked again to the man, sizing him up under his gaze. [color=9e0b0f]"Your soulmate, Sari, she would be proud I am pretty sure. Whatever may come next, it will be good to see how high we can bring our kill count."[/color] Slowly as he could, Jinn struggled to his feet. He throw out an arm to catch himself before he stumbled all over. [color=9e0b0f]"I should check on the others, I am sure that more than a few need our support."[/color] He smirked and looked back at Dalious, offering a two finger salute. [color=9e0b0f]"Knowing my cousin, she likely wants something to take her anger out on. Looks like it is time to annoy her. Good day mate, I'll look for you on the next battlefield."[/color] It had almost slipped the pirates mind that the prince would be king, if the lad could bring himself up to it. There was no one he could think of that suited such a role better, the kid would make a good king. Dalious couldn't hold back his smile from the elf's comments about Sari, as he hoped he was right. She would be proud, now that Dalious was fighting for something he believed in, rather than thieving and raiding for himself like the days of old. He gave off a salute as well as Jinn exited the tent to help the others, which was something he probably should be doing as well. He finished off his dragongrass, wiped the remaining blood from his cheek, and exited as well. There were many wounded, and not enough healers around, so the pirate found the next person he could tend to and went to work.