The dim moonlight provided just as much guidance as it did cover for the three companions as they snaked their way through the dirt and stone streets of the San Giovanni district of Florence. As it should be, the journey was a quiet one. Unfortunately, Elena could see Emerico's face was wrought with emotion that he had been doing his best to hide since they had left the old church. The news was shocking to her as well, but of course Luciano was not her mentor and friend. Even so, the Templar did well to hold in what she suspected was a great sadness and an even greater feeling for revenge. Late into the night the group arrived back at the home in which they had spent their short time together convening in. Something about the Templars owning every shop, inn, and home on the street... proof of their growing influence in Florence. And of course, Alessandro and Elena could not go back to their own homes, as they were still dead to the world... for now at least. Alessandro opened the door at the back entrance of the small house, lighting first a candle to lead the others in and then using it to light the others around the small commons area. Elena took a seat at the table that occupied the living area, joined then by Alessandro and by Emerico. "We have the information we were seeking. La Volpe will be in Florence in three weeks time." "But what do we do...?" Alessandro questioned. Realizing that up until this moment, they had been pursuing orders given down from the Knight Templar. Who now... was absent. "I suspect Borgia will have some ideas of what to do with the Fox. And of course, he should know about what happened." Elena spoke towards Emerico. "If it is the wishes of the Templars, we shall not rest until all those present at the Thieves' ambush are found and disposed of. We owe at least that." Whether due to being raised with the attitude of the Brotherhood or having been born with a naive sense of obligation, Elena felt that she and Alessandro at least had a duty to repay Luciano by finding those who ended him with such cowardice. Alessandro nodded, the orange glow from the candlelight showing the strain on his face. "Perhaps now we can get some rest? I suspect we'll need it come tomorrow." He questioned. Elena nodded, "There is nothing more we can do tonight. We should get our sleep and come back with fresh minds in the morning." The pair rose from the table, looking on at Emerico before turning to each head towards their respective rooms.