[@Prints Avoid] Yes, you'll make your own introductory post. You can be as descriptive as you wish. I just want everyone to realize that the first poster will determine the season and time of day at the end of their post, to which everyone else should follow. I don't want to have to worry about time discrepancies. [@Prints Avoid], [@DepressedSoviet], [@Imperfectionist] There's another layer that I was thinking about, however. I, as the GM, would like to consider the ability to meta-game, power-play, auto-hit, and control your characters that is normally poor form in RPing. But these "powers" will not be utilized often, or even seldom. There might be times when I want to push a character in a certain direction, have them confronted by a near-impossible conflict to work through, or interact with another character that they wouldn't normally interact with, for purposes of the plot as well as general intrigue and forcing character development from the rest of you. So, the question is, are all of you comfortable with my taking slight control over your characters and Pokemon when/if the time comes? If you'd rather, I can always PM individuals when I wish for an event or interaction to occur and they can write it out how it'd actually occur and provide depth to the situation rather than my just going "Okay, now you're - [i]here[/i]!" (which I wouldn't actually do it in that manner, but you get the idea). I'd just like to clarify that I'm not going to pick up your character and drop them across the map. I'd simply "suggest" they head for a certain location or follow a particular individual/etc.