[hider=Please, only read if you're wondering about my absence] This is a message being posted in most RPs I currently have a character in, provided I haven't given an explanation for my absence in the past week. This is going to be a bit hard to write, so forgive me if its... Sporadic... Over the past... Maybe two and a half months, now, Ive been having some issues. I haven't written in that time because I've lost my motivation for to. I don't feel comfortable going into details at this point. However, I need to tell you all that I won't be writing for a while longer. I don't know when this will go away, or if it can go away on its own, but I can't sit here and let everyone think I've abandoned the Roleplays. I hate myself for letting everyone down - one reason on a long list - so I hope you'll forgive me... I don't want to leave these Roleplays, but I'm starting to fear I may have no choice... If it's too much trouble to keep me around taking up a slot, please, kick me. I just... Really needed to write this... So, thanks... [/hider]