[color=004b80][center][h1] Grant Holiday [/h1][/center][/color] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/7294/th/pre/f/2012/094/2/7/prince_by_leejun35-d4uym96.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=004b80]"My next course of action is simple Mr. Jean. I must move forward with haste and swiftness. Dracula knows of my betrayal, and so I have no doubt very soon I shall be discovered by his spies and attacked. It is safer for everyone if I keep some distance from anyone in any safe haven. You are free to return to Miss Sasha, but my next move.."[/color] Grant quickly skimmed a few pages in the first notebook. [color=004b80]"Is to go downtown. From Miss Sasha's notes, it seems she encountered my missing person on account of rumors she investigated. It seems wise to follow in her footsteps."[/color] Grant looked around quickly and found a small back pack. He took it, placed the notebooks in it, and slung it around his shoulder. Then he walked out of the office. As he did he pulled out his phone and sent a small text to Piper. [text: My dear, I hope you are well. I am close to completing my objective, I shall see you soon.] [@ojo chan 42][@wick]