There was something about a hushed conspiracy to send Do'karth to his likely death that Raelyn found exciting. She was sure there was some story to this, maybe Do'karth was a daft cunt. That would be the only reason they'd send a pacifist who looked like a beast of prey towards a group of Ashlanders. Raelyn, of course, suggested that she go instead of him, but they weren't having any of that. She peeked around the corner, watching as to her horror Do'karths genitals were almost impaled by the a flurry of arrows. Well that and other parts of his body, but she hadn't been paying attention to them. She slid back, seconds before Sagax screamed [b]"FOR THE EMPEROR"[/b] while flying forward in a manner similar to the long dead Cyrodolic species, the Dodo. Raelyn felt it was better that she live for the Emperor than die for him, so decided that considering the odds, she would be better off sitting back and adjusting her lute strings. She figured she could just join whoever survived. Shortly after, Solveig followed Sagax in her own dead sprint, shouting a much dirtier, primal battlecry that was the basis of all battlecrys on Tamriel. [b]"[NOUN], YOU FUCKING [Singular/plural(Insult)".[/b] This was still going way better than the mechanical spiders. She could understand people, people were easy. Just think of an animal, with all its urges of hunger and sex, then give that animal the ability to make incredibly stupid decisions without dying, somehow, against all odds. That was humanity, freefalling off a cliffside they'd approached to grab a pretty yellow flower, only to be saved by a branch that happened to be hanging below. Then, somehow, the flower would be unharmed. Then they'd use that flower to woo a woman, and it would all work out somehow. Later on, a Sabre Cat would find that same cliff, get attacked by a falcon, bounce off the tree, hit the rocks below, and then get eaten by several passing Slaughterfish. Raelyn thought this had something to do with love or what not, but more likely it was that humans had posable thumbs. Solveig probably had enough posable thumbs for everyone, so Raelyn didn't need to help. "I'm sure you have all of this well in hand!" Raelyn called out, plucking a string and twisting a knob. She played a small part of [i]Sioni Bod Da[/i] for fun, then transitioned to [i]Pathway to Sovngarde[/i].