Romulus Nvorska Goetz, Stavic Oblast ( District) Cheka Safehouse Romulus leaned on the railing of the country villa and ran a hand through his hair. He let out a long sigh as he looked out over the rolling hills that surrounded him. His breath hung in the cold air for a moment before a light breeze blew it out of sight, chilling Romulus to the core. With another long sigh he turned around and keyed the door control, being greeted by the rush of warm air from the house before walking in. The door led to a long doorless hallway with bare walls, darkening significantly as the exterior door closed behind him. A small light could be seen under the singular door at the end of the hallway, slightly illuminating the corridor. Romulus quickly made his way down the dark hallway before stopping in front of the door. The faint sound of gurgling could be heard just behind the door, prompting Romulus to smirk. “ They’re back at him again….” he said under his breath before keying the door control. The Door opened up into a large sound proofed room with an obvious two way mirror at the far end. Two men sat facing each other under the large fluorescent light strip hanging from the ceiling. Both men were hooded and in their underwear, fastened their their respective chairs with plastic zip ties. Two Hol stood over one of the hooded men, forcing his head against the back of the chair as they poured water over his face from a hose. The hooded man struggled against his restraints as he was forcibly drowned, shaking the wooden chair as he struggled. The other man sobbed in unison with his companions muffled screams, unable to see what exactly was going on. One of the Hol pulled away the hose and let the man’s head snap forward. Water drained from the mans face as he coughed up the remaining fluid in his lungs. “ Who’s the political officer with the Purple Hats?” Romulus said calmly as he walked towards one of the men. “ Who……is the political officer in the Purple Hats….” he repeated in a mocking tone before ripping off the soaked man’s hood. “ Do you know what you have done! We are Totalist citizens! Intelligence Officers…my government will crucify you and your family.” the man yelled “ Is that right..” Romulus said with a chuckle “ Well I appreciate your zeal, but I don’t think you know whats going on here” he said kneeling down to the level of the Totalist agent. “ We know who you two are…..and we don’t care” Romulus quipped before leveling a pistol to the man’s chest. “ Fu….” the totals agent got out before the sound of the shot echoed around the room, spraying blood and bodily material behind him. The remaining hooded man let out a terrified scream and promptly pissed himself as the sound dissipated, struggling against the chair as he cried. “ No…no…” one of the Hol said in a mocking tone as he laughed “ We must of got some of the wrong agents…” he continued in Bolčoi, “ They cry like women”. Romulus laughed, turning towards the remaining totalist agent before ripping his hood off “ Who is the political officer with the Purple Hats?” Romulus said sternly, standing over the sobbing man. The Totalist continued to sob uncontrollably staring at his now dead friend slumped in the chair in front of him. “ WHO IS THE POLITICAL OFFICER!, UNLESS YOU WANT TO END UP LIKE YOUR FUCKING FRIEND SAY SOMETHING!!!” he yelled sticking the pistol in the man’s face. The agent went silent as he eyed the pistol, struggling to speak before finally breaking. “ Chekov…..Chekov Tzacska” the agent barely got out, prompting Romulus to smile. “ Good” Romulus said with a chuckle before raising the pistol to the agents forehead, promptly pulling the trigger.