[quote=@rocketrobie2] [center][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/6326f29de5d517c25fc7d52b839bb22c/tumblr_njdagkUinS1qflgwpo3_1280.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Baldur the Great [b]Age:[/b] 50 and looks it [b]Description:[/b] Baldur is in decent shape for his age but his ‘experience’ is beginning to show as his hairs are getting greyer and whiter. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Baldur was once a very chipper and passionate magician and mage but now he is little more than a husk of a man. His previous attitude towards life is now buried beneath heaps of experience in the world but sometimes one can catch a glimpse of the wide eyed struggling magician beneath his beaten exterior. [b]Backstory:[/b] Baldur keeps his past pretty secretive but what he is more than liberal of sharing is his failed stint as a Magician. When he was younger he began studying slight of hand and similar fake magics while also learning some real magic on the side to spice up his act. His act didn’t go very far and he ended up needing to give up on his dream of making it big. Later on in life he worked as a librarian but decided that he wanted to move up North to get away from the political drama of the south. [b]Skills[/b]: He’s shown that ability to cast a few basic spells such as small fires or magic lights. He’s still very adept at slight of hand tricks and subterfuge overall. He’s pretty good at stick fighting and he can tell a mean story when he’s in the mood. [b]Extra:[/b] He carries around a notebook and has a strong wooden staff that he uses to bash people when in trouble.[/center] [/quote] I'll go for that. I do warn you, the driver's a little skeptical about magical folks. But I'm sure an extra piece of coin would settle the "concern". Welcome to the caravan :)