[h1][center]Back Door Breachers (Part 1)[/center][/h1] [h2][center][color=green]Varok[/color] & [color=DarkTurquoise]Arlus[/color][/center][/h2] [center]A collab between [@NecroKnight] and [@Arcarius][/center] [color=0072bc]"Ok Fisher, take Sena and Reezan down there, watch their back while they hack in. Arlus and Varok, you'll breach from the rear of the facility. Hang back out of sight until the hack is complete and the door opens itself. Hawke, you're with me. We're goin in the front"[/color] Arlus was overwatching the base using his own set of binocs when he hear the order, lowering them he turned and glanced at the Krogan before reaching down, grabbing his helmet he placed it on and secured it before syncing it up. [color=DarkTurquoise]”You ready Krogen?”[/color] [color=green]“Ready as ever. Try not to get eaten, by another krogan. That would be highly embarrassing for me,”[/color] he replied, scratching his snout and soon pulling out his assault rifle. [color=green]“And its Krogan...learn your Galactic….idiot…”[/color] [color=DarkTurquoise]”Apologies… but there’s no need to worry about me, just keep talking so I know you’re alive, I’d rather not get shot in the back”[/color] Arlus replies as he reached back and unfolded his Mantis then began heading down towards the base at an angle. [color=DarkTurquoise]So… care to tell me alittle about yourself, or would you rather keep quiet?”[/color] [color=green]“Not much to say about me, a krogan with a brain. Or you actually want to hear my story, turian?”[/color] asked Varok, actually surprised rather than angry with his ‘mortal enemy’. Arlus glanced back and nodded before looking back at the small trail [color=DarkTurquoise]“I do, when the Turian Hierarchy isolates you from your own kind… well the story’s are few in number, plus I would like to know the people who I can only hope will have my back when the time comes.”[/color] he paused for a moment before looking back once more. [color=DarkTurquoise]”How about this, you tell me yours and I’ll tell you mine, sounds like a fair deal to me, what do ya say?”[/color] [color=green]“Fair enough. I was born into a small clan. We were smarter than the rest - as we mostly used our head and not our ego, to guide our policy. We stayed neutral and killed any other idiot, whom came towards our lands,”[/color] spoke Varok. [color=green]“Eventually I left, not much you can do on Tuchanka anymore.”[/color] Arlus listened to the Krogan’s story and couldn't help but smile beneath his helmet, the tinted visor masking his emotion. [color=DarkTurquoise]”Interesting if I do say so myself, You’re one of a kind from all the other krogan I’ve come across which haven't been a lot.”[/color] he pause and stopped, they were closer but not quite in position yet, raising his rifle he looked though the scope and scanned the base once more before noting that nothing had changed. Lowering his rifle he began walking once more. [color=DarkTurquoise]Well… as for me I was born and raised on Palaven, lived a relatively normal life with my two younger siblings until i was forced to join the military where I was pulled aside”[/color] [color=green]“Pulled aside? For what?”[/color] he asked, looking at the turian. [color=DarkTurquoise]”For being a biotic, the Turian Hierarchy… well they think that “we’re” a danger to everyone around us, so they isolate us into small squads called Cabal’s, but every once an awhile they throw us into a normal unit to keep an eye on someone or tell us to get rid of one of their own high ranking official who has done something, we don’t question, we just do what we are told, but mainly we are used for reconnaissance.[/color] [color=green]“So? I hear the humans also work the same way. Putting skilled people in special groups,” spoke Varok. “Would it be easier, if you were a single Biotic in a group of ten normal guys?”[/color] [color=DarkTurquoise]”One would think so… but a Cabal unit is only filled with biotic’s there are no normal people in it, we only get taken out for a task then put back into our unit.[/color] he paused and took a deep breath. [color=DarkTurquoise]”That’s why I left, disappeared off the grid without the Hierarchy's approval.[/color] [color=green]“Isn’t that kind of being an ass? We krogan have Shamans - who do great sacrifice, so others could understand. Wouldn’t you acknowledge that same?”[/color] asked Varok. [color=green]“Not every turian is a biotic So isn’t it written somewhere - that everybody of yours have some role to play in that fancy Hierarchy?”[/color] [color=DarkTurquoise]”Well… not necessarily, when the a cabal as seen it’s use they pull us from field work and stick us behind a desk, the Hierarchy like to keep us isolated, rather than deal with us, I believe they say it will affect “safety and unit cohesion concerns” if we were to be balanced in with the normal units. I personally think that they might be a little afraid of what we are able to do.[/color] [color=green]“Meh. Your country, can’t say mine is any better,”[/color] replied Varok. [color=DarkTurquoise]”It’s why I left to go off and do my own thing, and so far I enjoy what I do, lets me meet people like you”[/color] he said and looked off towards the base, they were close the back entrance was in view now all they needed was a place to set up. [color=DarkTurquoise]”So… where would you like to set up until we’re called in to kick open the back door?”[/color] [color=green]“Something large, but close,”[/color] spoke Varok, eyeing their surrounding. Folding up his mantis and harnessing it, [color=DarkTurquoise]”Well we could set up along the exterior wall and wait or we could use one of old vehicles for cover, your call”[/color] he said pointing to the two locations before unfolded his mattock and checked it. [color=green]“Near the exterior wall. Best place to hide, is right under their noses,”[/color] spoke Varok. [color=DarkTurquoise]”I like your style... let’s get down there”[/color] he said then activated his omni-tool to contact the rest of the group [color=DarkTurquoise]”This is breach team two, we’ll be in position in thirty seconds”[/color] he said as the two began to move down.