[@1Hawkeyes] Name: Solomon Bautista Alias: Sound EFX (pronounced: Effects) Any Alliances?: Open to team up Enemies?: Hydro-Bro Hero/Villain: Hero Age: 28 Gender: Male Race (Human/Alien): Human Powers(Up to four): [b]Ultrasonic screams[/b]- emit highly enhanced scream of a high amplitude. [b]Enhanced Hearing[/b]- Users have ears enhanced to hear with amazing clarity, distance, and even frequencies outside normal range. Also can locate the source of noise. [b]Peak Human Agility[/b]- Can move better than the likes of an ordinary human, enabling him to move with great agility, reflexes, speed, and accuracy. Weapons: Bo staff Skills: Capoeira and stealth Weakness: Not bullet proof, ears are quite sensitive so he has to wear earphones or plugs. If he doesn't wear earphones or plugs when using his screams, he can be victim to his own attack. Can still get physically hurt and if vocals get damaged, the screams can get nullified. Personality: Solomon usually have a cool attitude, smiling, and willing to have a good time and make things almost into a game. Occupation: Works as a butcher Looks(Can describe): [hider=Solomon] [img]http://img08.deviantart.net/1341/i/2010/242/f/5/eddy_gordo_by_negrosaki-d2xnkj7.jpg[/img] [/hider] Other: Don't know yet. ------------------------------------------------------ Name: Carlito Ruis Alias: Hydro-Bro Any Alliances?: not yet Enemies?: Sound EFX Hero/Villain: Villain Age: ?? Gender: Male Race (Human/Alien): Human Powers(Up to four): Hydrokinesis- User can create, shape and manipulate water. The user can manipulate the moisture in the air or use the water from sources as plant life but will unfortunately kill the plants. He can also increase the density of water as well. Even being able to make the water capable of cutting. Weapons: his powers Skills: Boxing, surfing, stealing. Weakness: He needs to be near a water source to use his power. If in a desert......he's shit out of luck.... Personality: Cocky and brash. But tries to sweet talk the women. He loves a challenge and will either provoke a fight or perhaps not walk away from one. Occupation: Works in a smoothie shop but wants to live better, so he's a thief as well. Looks(Can describe): [hider=The guy in the middle] [img]http://s2.dmcdn.net/EpvX.jpg[/img] [/hider] Other: Loves surfing, fighting and women.