Shepard listened with rapt attention as Agent Bellastrum briefed her on the situation, well briefed her as much as she was willing at this point in time. Shepard was certain the DID agent was not sharing everything and given the situation the Commander was in, that couldn't be helped. She took the data pad when offered and flipped through the images, enlarging certain things she spotted on the images for a better look. She made small "hmm" sounds as she looked over the files on the data pad. She finally scrolled to image thirteen and as she suspected, just as Agent Bellastrum obviously suspected, was the unmistakable Cerberus logo, if only partially visible. Shepard's green eyes focused on Bellastrum's for a moment, fixing her with an intent gaze, trying to discern something from the woman. Perhaps if she should trust the DID, they were another branch of the Alliance afterall, and sharing information about Cerberus could land her in more hot water. "I believe we go have a lot to discuss," Shepard admitted before glancing around the room. She picked up the pristine ash tray on the coffee table and flipped it over for Bellastrum. An obvious listening device was stuck to the underside as though Shepard would not have though to check for bugs in her room, it wasn't even a good attempt at hiding it really. "Perhaps here is not the best place. I'm sure Admiral Anderson would be amenable to allowing me to have some free time outside of my quarters."