[center][h1][color=a187be]Ri[/color][color=686F91]cas[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/25alZTsDViHMk/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][b][color=686F91]Location:[/color][/b] Safe House[/center][hr] Lucas kept his eyes on Risa as she slowly pulled away from him and moved over to their weapons. Moving behind the chair she'd been sitting in, he picked up the pieces of his PPK, following after her as he slowly and carefully began to put it all back together. Looking over the weapon as he moved over to her, he leaned idly against the wall as he flicked the safety back onto his weapon, reaching back to tuck it into the holster at the small of his back. He flashed a half smile every time she looked in his direction, giving a genuine one as she confirmed that she was feeling better. It was the first time he'd had any real confirmation about it, it felt good. He nodded as she asked him about the stitches, moving past her to grab the medical kit from beside the bed. Moving over to her, he stood behind her as he set the bag down and opened it up, dragging out a pair of scissors and forceps as he looked over the stitches. [b][color=686F91]"Y'know, I could've been a doctor."[/color][/b] He said, it probably wasn't true, Lucas had only learnt what he knew about medicine from the company as he reached up, carefully using the forceps to draw out her stitches one by one as he cut them slowly. [color=a187be]"Just be gentle doctor,"[/color] Risa purred as she glanced coyly over her shoulder. She was beginning to feel more like herself physically and emotionally now that the elephant in the room had been taken care of. She trusted Lucas more than anyone and took him for his word. She knew he wouldn't hurt her. He had made his choice, she had made hers. It was them against the company. She could handle that as long as he had her back. As he started to remove the stitches she hissed slightly, she always hated this part. It made her insides squirm and her skin crawl as each stitch was drawn from her flesh. Reaching back she rested her hand on his thigh, her fingers curling into the muscle as he worked. Removing the last stitch, he leaned forward, brushing his lips idly against her cheek as he pulled back the scissors and the forceps, moving to put them back into the medical kit as he glanced over at her. Once the last stitch was out she jumped up and rubbed her arms quivering slightly as she got rid of all her heebies and geebies at once. [color=a187be]"Thank you,"[/color] she was finally able to say as she looked back over to him and let out a sigh as she pulled her shirts back down into place. Now that they were out, she was able to move and twist some but she was still careful. A week laid up after a major surgery meant she still would need time but at least that part was now out of the way. [b][color=686F91]"Just don't go and screw it up again, alright? Life's boring for me if you're stuck laying around."[/color][/b] Lucas chuckled softly, zipping up the Medical kit as he moved to put it away beside the bed. Walking over to the bed she smirked a bit as she looked over to him. [color=bc8dbf]"Yeah. sorry about that,"[/color] Risa said as she looked down and rubbed the front of her chest a bit. She hadn't looked at the situation as if she had screwed up but she must have some where along the line if her cover was blown and she ended up nearly dead because of a bombing. Glancing over to the bed, he smirked as he moved over to her, picking up the small Diamondback as he took a few steps around to her left. [b][color=686F91]"I thought even a small-time crook would know that the small, concealable weapons always go to the far left of the play setting."[/color][/b] He teased with a grin, flicking the slide back into place as he'd set it down on the other side of the weapons. Coming out of the daze she looked over to him and nodded slightly before taking a breath and going back to her thoughts as she went back to cleaning and securing the various pistols before her. She kept trying to figure out how her cover had been blown, she was always so careful. He frowned at her as he stood alongside her. He could tell what must have been on her mind, it wasn't too hard to guess from the look in her eyes, the same one she got when she didn't quite understand something just yet. He'd been with her essentially the whole way, in his eyes, there was no way she could have screwed up which wouldn't have involved him, her cover couldn't have been blown if his was still intact, it just didn't make sense, there had to be some other explanation. Leaning over, he gently pressed his lips to her cheek, brushing them against her as he slowly pulled back, eyes watching her closely. [b][color=686F91]"You did everything perfectly... None of this is on you."[/color][/b] He assured her quietly. [center][h1][color=236672]Scott Fairburne[/color][/h1] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/c3effcb68e9fbf4371a1e5b8b02f7ae9/tumblr_inline_obsskqgU0e1rfjef1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][b][color=236672]Location:[/color][/b]AfterDark[/center][hr] Scott moved around the immediate area of the bar, going through his usual routine of cleaning and refilling a few drinks to Zoie's left and right, all the time remaining close enough to listen to her as she spoke. For a moment he went to ask what was making her nervous, but, half-expecting it to be somewhat related to the kind of business he avoided now, he bit his tongue, simply smiling over at her as she spoke up again, chuckling softly. There was something about the question however that put Scott into the smallest state of unease. He doubted that Zoie exactly knew how he would take the question, it was essentially what he'd done, or rather, tried to do with coming to Justice, though he hadn't been able to avoid at least a little recognition, it happened in a place like this. He simply shrugged as he chuckled again, pleased as she seemed to wave off the answer and moved onto another question. [b][color=236672]"Reminds me of Harlem a lot, particularly around here, but it's not too bad."[/color][/b] He shrugged his shoulders, glancing around the bar to some of the patrons as he picked up an empty glass, starting to clean it out. [b][color=236672]"Plenty of decent women around, and most of the punks know to avoid a big man like myself."[/color][/b] He chuckled again as he turned back toward her, shrugging.