[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjliMDBhZC5VM1JoY21SMWMzUWdUV1Z0YjNKNS4w/midnightconstellations.medium.png[/img] [color=silver][i]A Magical Boy Roleplay GM'd by [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/leslie-hall]Leslie Hall[/url][/i][/color] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/4d/2b/3b/4d2b3b041a31a29156aa8ecaec3c09ac.gif[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjMyLjliMDBhZC5UR1YwSUcxbElIUmxiR3dnZVc5MUlHRWdjM1J2Y25rdUxpNCwuMAAA/midnightconstellations.medium.png[/img] [sub]"[color=silver][i]We're Magical Boys; it's our destiny to protect the world from Shadows[/i][/color]"[/sub][/center][hr][hr]We remember them a little differently with each telling. The story ends the same, but the journey is always different. With each incarnation of new heroes, we watch them gather their hopes and fight against their fate. Our world has never been perfect. There is so much hate and pain that plagues the hearts of humans, causing all types of horrible malicious ailments such as depression, anxiety and anger. The power of these negative feelings is strong enough to give birth to horrible creatures of darkness; Shadows. Left alone, Shadows will feast on the hearts of man; growing and festering until they eventually reproduce and continue to spread despair. That's where you come in. Thousands of years ago, a group of heroes rose against the Shadows and protected humanity from their own demons. These valiant warriors of light and love were known as the Cosmic Princes; young boys gifted with the power to fight Shadows. You are their descendant, a reincarnation of a Cosmic Prince who has inherited the great power of your respective Prince. You and your fellow Prince's alone are bound by fate to fight Shadows and keep the world safe for another generation. Unfortunately, not all of the Prince's see eye to eye. There was a schism within the original Prince's that separated our heroes into two groups; The Sun Princes and the Moon Princes. This divide has remained even generations later, the rivalry becoming part of the nature of every reincarnated Prince. What caused the Prince's to divide? We no longer remember. Despite their differences, both groups hunt Shadows during the night and sometimes even each other. All the while, the enigmatic Chaos Witches lurk in the darkness. Just who are they? What connection do they have with the Shadows? What are their goals? All such interesting questions... ... I wonder what answers we'll find this time?[hr][hr] Greetings! I'm Leslie and welcome to 'Stardust Memory'. This is a Magical Boy roleplay primarily based off of Madoka Magica. As such you can expect similar dark themes to be present within this RP. Nothing too heavy, as this is all in good fun. Our characters will be reincarnations of the first Cosmic Princes, destined to battle Shadows and protect the Earth. There are three different groups in this roleplay that people can be apart of. The Sun Princes, the Moon Princes and the Chaos Witches. That latter group is extremely limited and we won't be having more than 1-2 Witches to start with. If you have any questions, I will do my best to explain what I can without spoiling anything. I'm looking for at least 3 Magical Boys per side and 2 Witches. If you have a preference, then let me know. I'm not sure how big I'd like this to be, but if we get quite a few members I wouldn't mind 1-2 volunteers to be GM's with me. With that, I don't think I need to explain much more as this is just a general interest check. More details will come with the OOC if we get to that stage.