[@Wraithblade6] [@CreedTheChimera] [@ShadowVentus] "..Hmm? Terrorized? I wa...oh! My, I'm terribly sorry little one." The Giant says, noting the small girl's reaction. He quickly sets the roof down, onto the building, and with a flexing of his mythical prowess, welds the stone roof back on, the stone melting, and cooling back together, all in a split moment. To those inside the castle, the point where the wall meets the ceiling turns red, and then, cools, back together, in less than a second. "Phew..ok, crisis adverted. That's Ares. Pillar of Fire, manifestation of flame, personification of heat. Ironically chill dude." Minx says. "I was expecting Aero..." She adds, saying that name with visible fear. "Hmm...you, my friend, you're more than you seem...aren't you?" The Giant says to Eclipse, as slowly, he shrank down, becoming only a mere 6 feet, where before, his head pierced the clouds. He walks forwards, moving to be toe to toe with the strange man he had found. "I did not intend to terrorize. Simply ask. Minx, a sorceress in that castle, is working on a potion for me..." He says, smiling.