[center][h1][color=00a651]Ethan Blackledge[/color][/h1][/center] The spaghetti hoops that were on Ethan's plate didn't even last a minute as he sat back on the chair content with life slowly wiping his mouth with that back of his hands. Spaghetti hoops reminded Ethan of his old life back in England, it was strange that it made him think of home but it was always the small things. Ethan was just happy that the house somehow still had electricity and running water, but he wasn't complaining, he'd not had a shower for quite some time. As Ethan stood up, a new girl walked in. [i]Cute,[/i] Ethan casually thought as he went and grabbed his bat from the rucksack and wandered off outside. He wanted to check out the area. If they were planning on staying here, they would need some type of defences. Some fences around the place would keep a few walkers at bay. Quite a few people back at Dana Point were killed by an individual Walkers sneaking up on them, so if Ethan could prevent that, he would. But first it was best to make sure that they wanted to stay here. There was nothing really eventful that happened on the rest of his walk, all he did was check were the fences should go then went back to the house. As he walked back into the house, most of the people seemed to be in the kitchen so Ethan went and leaned against the worktop. [color=00a651]"So what now?"[/color]