[center][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Mali%20Anson&name=Chris%27s%20Handwriting.ttf&size=50&style_color=D5FF00[/IMG] [hr][b]Location:[/b] Public Records building [hr][hr][/center] [color=D5FF00]"I don't think any entry point from an apartment to the sewer is going to be large enough for somebody to get through in one piece. Since you know, they'd basically just be toilet and sink pipes for the most part. Putting that aside does this information apply to Boston Heights as a whole, or just the Rose Building?"[/color] Mali asked, stifling a yawn. She didn't know if her quality of sleep had been declining recently or if it was just the warm, musty quality of the air in this building that was making he feel on the sleepy side. She had to commend the guard for being able to read rather than just passing out at his desk all day. Honestly if he did that, nothing would probably change as far as job security/accomplishments go. [color=D5FF00]"I haven't been living there long, but I haven't noticed anything like people being in the building that shouldn't be there. Yeah, my apartment got broken into but that was somebody with a crowbar or something similar from outside the buildings and could have taken place any time within the span of like 2 to 3 hours. But people getting and out through the building itself? I haven't seen any proof of that. Unless you happen to have cameras or something on the buildings and those have turned up something off-kilter."[/color]