Rose Mary rolled her eyes. "How many punches will it take to get something free?" She slumped her shoulders. "You do know half the reason I skip is your office. I much rather have sessions in a blizzard, guaranteed not to freeze to death, my power would provide me the heat necessary to survive may or may not provide you heat." She was lying it would provide him heat, she turned into living flame. The other bums loved her in winter, at least the ones that didn't try to kill her for being an evil godless mutant. Only took one charbroiled bum to drive the bigots away. When she was able to watch tv the crime shows always had female victims of sexual abuse talking to another female about it. Just goes to show that art doesn't always imitate life, to bad she would have opened up to a woman, possibly, maybe, potentially. She didn't ever see herself opening up to him. Tatiana's chemistry class broke to perform the experiment he discussed earlier. She decided to run her own experiment Hank's was boring. She mixed many chemicals together. Hank waited until everyone who did his assignment left, he had Tatiana show him her experiment. Tatiana opened up a window and jumped out the window. She walked to a scorched patch of grass. She set up her experiment then flicked a match at it. She set off a firework.