Rasca tucked her hands behind her head, reveling in the mid-morning daylight. She was perched upside down on the edge of her bed, her black and red tipped hair, touching the ground in short clipped strands. She was trying to practice not passing out in an awkward position, so that hanging with golbats would be easier. Plus it was another way to waste time while she waited for the correct opportunity to bother Leon. Mostly it was just procrastination, that stopped her from actually moving. That and her shades were catching the light so perfectly, it would be foolish to get up and destroy the magical scene. So that's exactly what Rasca did, because she didn't care about that kind of stuff. Rolling off her bed and falling to the floor with a sluggish thump, she crawled over to her window and peeped out. No Leon at the door, so she would have to go out and get him. Sighing dramatically while propping her elbow across her shaded eyes, Rasca fell backwards onto her swing. Scootching her back up the fluffy seat, she sat down very un-lady like. She reached out her tennis shoes to the window clasp, and flipped it up, edging the window panes open as well. Her legs took her in the opposite direction and when she swung forward, her pendulum motion rocked her back and forth, faster and a bit higher. Thanks to her high ceiling room, this was possible, as was her ability to jump off her swing, out the window and onto the second story veranda. Rasca loved being able to do this, and thankfully her parents had supplied the correct items, since she had done so well in school. Snorting at the ridiculous building, and it's so-called useful teachings, she climbed down the ladder to the ground near her family's front door. A note was left by IM to her parents home desktop, just a quick message to let them know who she was with, and all the fun they would be having. Rasca didn't have any idea what Leon would make them do for fun, but she trusted his pliable mind to not let her down. With that thought in mind, she made her way to Leon's house, stopping along the way to dig up her messenger bag from the branches of the tree in her parent's front yard.