[center][h1][color=springgreen]Paulina Benson[/color][/h1][/center] It took some time, but eventually Paulina was able to make it to her room. She knew from prior experience that whenever her friend was taxed too much, the best thing was for her to just sleep it off. The entire way, Paulina kept talking in the same low, soothing voice. [color=f6989d]”I… I took it off…”[/color] [color=springgreen]”I know, I saw you. It was a very brave thing to do.”[/color] [color=f6989d]"Its...it doesn't dull my effect on others, enough..."[/color] [color=springgreen]”It’s okay, we’ll make it stronger, I promise. Nobody got hurt, everything will be fine. You just rest.”[/color] Using her elbow to open the door, Paulina slipped into her dorm room and gently laid her friend on her bed. [color=springgreen]”We can talk about it when you're feeling up to it, okay?”[/color] [color=f6989d]"Liam is scared....It's my fault, whatever I did with Alister...."[/color] Crawling onto the bed and laying down beside Ashleigh, Paulina smiled and tucked the empath’s head against her chest, softly brushing her hair with her fingers. [color=springgreen]”No, Ash, it wasn't your fault. It was just an accident, we'll figure it out. Besides, Liam’s a big boy, I'm sure he can handle whatever is going on. First you need to recover, alright? Then we'll get everything sorted out. “[/color] Internally, Paulina was already trying to puzzle through what happened. Something had set her sensitive friend off, something sudden that had caught her by surprise. The telekinetic wave had obviously been an instinctive attempt to defend herself from whatever “it” was. Right after that was when Liam told everybody to leave, which meant that Ashleigh’s “push” must have also disturbed the ghosts that she had seen while she had been in Liam’s body. [color=f6989d]"Alister....must talk to..."[/color] [color=springgreen]”Shh. We'll talk to him after you've rested a bit,”[/color] she murmured. The triggerpoint, however, had been Alister. He'd been the one who had shouted first. Whatever had happened to him, Ashleigh must have felt it. So the question then was, what had set Alister off? She hadn't been paying much attention to what he had been doing in the class, so it was difficult to say. Whatever the case, they were definitely going to have to have another talk. It could happen later, however. Right now, she had higher prior- [color=fff200]”Ashleigh, Paulina, Jason, Vedica, and whoever else this may concern. This is Alister. Meet myself and Liam for dinner in the kitchen down the hall. Room 34-A. It's an urgent matter please be present ASAP. Thank you"[/color] Glancing up at the ceiling, Paulina frowned. [color=springgreen][i]What the hell is he doing? Did he sneak into the office? He should be resting as well![/i][/color] At this rate, he was going to hurt himself even further, however he managed to do it the first time. [color=springgreen][i]And what do him and Liam want to talk about?[/i][/color] [color=f6989d]”Paulina…”[/color] Blinking, she looked down at Ashleigh, the girl's face looking surprisingly concerned. [color=f6989d]"Please, let's go to this meeting. I need to know what I did, please. I need to know if it was because I took the bracelet off, or how I diffused Alister's pain. Please, Paulina. Let me go kitchen."[/color] The request made Paulina’s frown deepen. [color=springgreen]”Are you sure? That class took a lot out of you. I'm sure we could figure out some way of participating remotely.”[/color] The scientist in Paulina very much did want to go, if only for the opportunity to question Alister about what had happened. But she was a friend first and foremost; magical science would always be secondary to that. [@Caits]