[center][h3][color=darkturquoise]VII: Raiden[/color][/h3]and [color=skyblue]CXIV: Astrape[/color] Firing Range/Killhouse "Purgatory", 1830 Hrs (6:30pm)[/center] [hr][hr] A loud buzzer punctuated the break in the chorus of gunfire and smoking targets as Raiden let his hands fall to his sides, the carbine in them held loosely in his left hand as holographic walls dissolved around him. He took a second to breathe before the room filled with light and he flinched as his enhanced eyes' biologically night vision was briefly overwhelmed. Taking a second to re-adjust his eyes, he blinked and looked up to the observation window set high into the wall of the training area as a woman's voice came through his earpiece, tinted with a fairly obvious Kanto accent. "Well done Raiden, That's the last scenario cleared. Your accuracy is remaining steady, 97.4% hit rate at close to medium range. Testing is complete for the day, while we run your post-test results you are free to go." Raiden tapped the button for the microphone linked to the communications in the control room, a small smile well hidden on his face. [color=darkturquoise]"Thank you, Doctor Kusanagi. I'll be resting for the night, if you need me."[/color] The boy began to gear down, removing the magazine from his carbine and ejecting the chambered round before he placed the gun and ammo on separate racks, until a small bleep caught his attention, originating from the communications device on his wrist. He tapped the touchscreen to see the message from Dr Verner and raised a single eyebrow before he lifted his wrist to indicate to the scientist that he had received the message. He dropped his arm again and swiped across the screen, sending the message to the screen in the control room. There was a pause for a few moments as Dr Kusanagi read the message, and then her reply came though. "Right, you're dismissed for now. Get something to eat and get some rest. I guess it's time to finally see if your training paid off. I'll drop by your quarters with a more in-depth analysis of your results." Raiden didn't reply verbally, instead nodding at the woman in the window before he unstrapped the revolver in its holster from his leg and left it with his carbine. He stepped out of the killhouse and his eyes settled on the blonde girl leaning on the opposite wall, playing with a strand of hair. As she heard the door open, she looked up at him and smiled before she bounced slightly over to him. [color=skyblue]"Brother! How'd it go? I've heard that 'Purgatory' is the hardest killhouse to beat!"[/color] [color=darkturquoise]"It was considerably more difficult than the last scenario, but I managed to clear it. How are you doing, Astrape?"[/color] Raiden couldn't help but smile a little at his pseudo-little sister's enthusiasm as she grinned and handed him a small datapad. He raised an eyebrow and began to read though it as she recounted her training for the day while the pair walked towards the private quarters. [color=skyblue]"I managed to clear 'The Village' today. It took me a few tries, but I got the overall mission time down by 7 minutes!"[/color] [color=darkturquoise]"You cleared it in 16 minutes? I'm proud of you, that's impressive."[/color] As he spoke, he looked up from the datapad, which contained the data gathered from her training exercises. Raiden had been trained to adapt to various situations via holographic training scenarios that simulated real combat environments, the hardest of which were 'the Village' and 'Purgatory'. Data on his performance was collected and analysed, and he could use that to learn how to better adapt in the future. As a reproduction of his skillset and powers, Astrape was undergoing the same training, and their results were compared. Snapping out of his thoughts, he gave the data another look over as she beamed at his praise. [color=skyblue]"Thank you, Raiden! Still though, I couldn't get the casualties as low as you did... I think I rushed things too much..."[/color] [color=darkturquoise]"Sometimes, we don't have the luxury of time and we need to act quickly. As much as I don't like casualties, you performed well. You could have paced your shots a little more... here, and... here, but it's nothing too major."[/color] As he spoke, he turned the pad to face her as he replayed the reconstruction of her as she completed the scenario. He paused to show her the shots he was referring to before he handed the pad back and she started to make some notes over the simulation. Finally, they reached his quarters. They spent rest of the evening talking, about the meeting tomorrow and about Astrape's training, until it was time for Raiden to get some rest for the meeting. He walked her to her room, and she stepped in before she turned around with a smile. [color=skyblue]"Good Luck with your meeting tomorrow. Stay safe, ok?"[/color] Raiden gave her a small smile as her gently ruffled the shorter girl's hair. He nodded a little. [color=darkturquoise]"I'll do what I can. Goodnight Astrape."[/color] With that, she bid him goodnight in return and he returned to his room. Quickly setting his alarm, he wasted little time in stripping off his coat and shoes before he slipped into bed for the next day. [hr][hr] [center]Briefing Room, 0600 Hrs (6:00am)[/center] [hr][hr] Raiden sat alone toward the rear of the room as the assigned meeting time drew closer, his eyes scanning the contents of the datapad in his right hand. He was currently reviewing the data analysis of his latest simulation, trying to pick it apart to find where he could improve. He wasn't the first to arrive, but he had been seated for at least 20 minutes. He hadn't interacted with any of the other people in the room, and only briefly looked up with each new arrival, instead focusing on what was on his pad. He recognised a few of his 'siblings' from the data in their files, including the notably volatile Aegis, the laid-back Gray and the minx-ish Karu, but decided against starting a dialogue for now. Better for him to focus on the task at hand. That's not to say he would turn someone away or ignore them if they spoke to him, but only if they started the conversation with him. Sighing slightly, he closed the datapad and placed it on his lap as he waited for the briefing to begin.