[@Synthesis] Lol it's just a mockup, nothing's even drawn out yet. I don't want to spam chat here with the game but yeah I'm pretty proud of how it's coming along. [hider=Game Talk] (2D Board, 3D one will be made at a later date) [img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/2baf/f/2016/284/d/9/board_game___illustration_low_res_by_livingdreament-dakq4f1.png[/img] It's a three player, survival game. Your goal is to survive 14 days and outlast the storm you're in. You can work with or against the other players and will likely do a bit of both. In the last game I played with our programmer, I had stocked up on some supplies but got injured by hail so Bo took advantage of that and killed me to loot my corpse. [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/f7dc/f/2016/295/3/8/hail_by_livingdreament-dalu9ww.png[/img] We'll have a playable alpha in November though we're planning to have an Indiegogo Campaign in January to add more content to the game such as more characters to play as, scenarios to survive through, and encounters to face (animals, monsters, bandits, the like). [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/9c48/f/2016/295/1/e/reinar_by_livingdreament-dalu9xo.png[/img] [/hider]