Jenso's eyes narrowed at Ada. [i][color=f26522]'Her puddle is getting it because she's putting too much of her focus at me and the clone? Or because she's getting upset?'[/color][/i] He thought, glaring at the clone. [i][color=f26522]'Either way, I can't let her notice..'[/color][/i] Jenso shrugged. [color=f26522]"Hey, I'm having a good time so.."[/color] He responded with a smirk. He began to position himself closer to Ada, but still not within her puddle. He kept looking at the clone mainly as he did, and made it look like he was up-sizing it. He got in a combat stance himself. [color=f26522]"Come on buddy, let's keep going!" [/color]