Carl and the small group of BlueSword soldiers who had by now permanently attached to him for this operation moved in behind Victor and Natalie. Helping to clear the way. As they descended he directed the soldiers into cover points, making sure their way forward is covered. He jumps along belong behind the leading elements carefully, also making sure Ross and Jenny are covered. It’s when the plastic, carbon fiber and light but strong metals that he gets a little out of sorts, “Are we in like Call of Duty or something here? This can’t be real can it?” He inched further along having fallen in with Jenny and Ross, the BlueSword soldiers taking up the rear. He murmured, “I don’t like this…just want that to go on record Cap.” He took cover against a wall when they came to their first major room. And was about to proceed past the choke point to act as point when Natalie began to run off what she could see. He stopped. Just a meter behind her and Victor. And went to a knee, “Heavy stuff. 50s, 40mm, autocannons, yeah this section is likely to cut us to bits.” He motions to his little buddy command, letting them know to secure the rear, and let no one flank them if they can manage it. Victor knelt down just behind Natalie, looking past her and murmuring, “Tewake’nikòn:rhare…Concerning. That this Network, would go to so much trouble. Did they know that we would be called? The Juggernauts I mean? They must have known. Even for large force like the Task Force, they would not need the weaponry they will have here. That’s even assuming the Taskforce could have made it this far. So the Network knew we’d be here. Knew we’d find a way in, and knew they would have to try and take care of us.” He nodded, “It’s a little off-putting isn’t it? To know there are groups who are actually gearing up to combat us.” Though everyone could hear the smile in his voice as he said it, as if that fact excited him. Carl spent some time reloading his M249 then looks up sharply at Natalie when she mentioned his scanner, “My scanner? Oh my Backscatter? Yeah.” He took another step forward then pulled his monocular down. Setting it to his faceplate. Then hitting a small button on the side of it twice. The lens on the front going from Silver, to green then finally a blazing white. He scanned about to get his bearings. Purposefully looking at Jenny, then at Natalie then finally at of all people Ross. A big grin behind his face plate, “It works. Backscatter Xray…you’re fucking built by the way Major. Your fiancée is lucky.” He ducked as Victor reached out to try and cuff him, “It’s a compliment! Come on!” He stepped forward and around Victor and Natalie, getting cuffed on the back of the head anyway by the larger first nations man once he does. He grunts then sets to scanning the area. After abit he takes a few steps to their left, and pats the wall. “Right here. It’s about an inch thick. Plastic and Carbon fiber if I’m reading the scan off this. A fraction in comparison to all the other walls. I think you’re right Major. There’s an entire other section behind this.” He motions to one of the BlueSword soldiers, “Breaching charge.” The soldier digs into his pouch then tosses the charge to Carl. Victor steps back abit as Carl catches the breaching charge. One of those nice little thermite rope charges rather then a shaped charge. He uncoils the rope of Thermite and applies it to the wall, making sure the hole that it will create will be large enough to fit anyone who goes through it. Once it’s all applied he takes two steps left and holds up the detonator, “Breaching.” A click and the thermite begins to hiss, burning through the wall quickly, then a small charge blowing the hunk of wall inwards. A surprised gasp sounding from within, and someone screaming about something getting on them. Carl gives a nod to Victor. Who tosses smoke down the hall to cover their movements. Then leading the way goes through the wall and down the steps on the other side. Carl slipping through a second later. The steps took them down then back around and into a chamber just below the warren of hallways above them. By the time Carl got down, the crunk crunk crunk of Victor’s shotguns were already going. He came out onto a landing and observed the mass of soldiers and mercenaries. A short way down was another stairs that likely lead up into the kill zone for the hall the rest of the unit was waiting. Carl ran forward mounting his LMG on the railing. And began to fire, chasing the fighters out of the room below. Victor took a few running steps and was down into the remains of them a second later, his shotguns swinging on their tethers as he brought out his rifle club. Batting fighters away like so many dolls. Carl in the meantime opened fire on the stairs up to the kill room as the fighters in there came running down to see what was going on. It was over in a few moments. The fighters either running into other parts of the base. Or lying dead thanks to the pair. Victor was checking the bodies to make sure none of them were faking, and applying the Mercy kills to those who were dying. Carl in the meantime roamed the room looking at the arsenal. It’s there he finds a strange set up. A pillar covered in dishes and emitters. And a large bank of computers nearby with wires leading from the computers to the pillar. He hrmed. Then took a step back, pulled his Carl G off his back, made sure it’s loaded then put a HEDP round into the base of the pillar and the computer banks. There’s a short squeal then all communications comes back. The Taskforce outside reporting they had cleared the fort of any remaining elements. A secondary group saying they had a hidden exit at the south side of the mountain bottled up. Carl grins, and cues into Natalie and Ross’ channels jointly, “Major, Captain! Killzone is clear. There’s a fucking arsenal down here. I found and destroyed a Jammer down here too. You may notice that comms are back up.” Somewhere deeper down in the mountain a quartet of figures watched the CCTV monitors of the mountain base. Three of them already panicing. The fourth though, dressed in a dark charcoal grey body suit under a black robe with a burnt earth brown hajib on hrms softly, “Run. Try and run anyway. All exits appear to be covered. I will die here with honor.” She grabs a long curved gleaming scimitar off a table beside her and disappears out a side door. As she goes the other three, the leaders of this group can hear her say, “I may die here. But I intend to make the fight hurt for them all. Zarai bint Zara stalks again.” The other three began to frantically attempt to gather items they would need to survive or rebuild the group in the future.