[i]Gates of the Palace, Nanking ---------- "Halt!" Ordered an armed guard in Xianese as he saw the two men cross the courtyard that divided the palace from the rest of the city. With a hard stomp on the ground the ground rose around the two men, forming four walls around them. The guard then shouted "What are you two doing in Xi'an?! I demand to see your paperwork." (Ooc: He's asking for transportation papers, like a visa)[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taken completely aback by the sudden hostility invoked upon them, both Ragnest and Tyron stood perplexed for a moment before collecting themselves to answer the guard's demands. "We are mere travelers friend, we come from the Kingdom of Vaolos to seek refuge in your most magnificent kingdom and to avoid the horrors of war that would otherwise await us there" shouted Tyron, trying his best to sound domineering without outshining his master. "We wish to seek council with your prince as is the custom for any noble of another land, in our home besides, to declare himself or else risk accusations of espionage or military intent" stated Ragnest with the utmost formality. He was standing upright with his arms at his sides as if he was about to gesture a salute. During this Tyron had reached into his pockets to produce a Knight's Seal, essentially a coin of various colours and intricately carved patterns (my profile picture). He had also revealed fine clothing to stand as proof to Ragnest's considerable wealth in his home country. "I am Ragnest of Pharen, and this is Tyron, my greatest friend and also my mentor in matters of historical nature." Ragnest then took the coin from Tywin's hands and held it above him, keeping one finger placed across the breadth of the coin. "This is my insignia which I sincerely hope is recognized in these parts".