[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Lets not forget rage-quitting out of RPs only to rejoin them 18 hours later, I suppose I count 6.[/quote] What the fuck is your issue, man? I was willing to rejoin that RP because of the people who weren't you. The people who were nice and chill and who, you know, I genuinely like. What's the point in doing this juvenile passive-aggressive shit? I don't like you, that's well established, but why should that keep me from posting in topics if it's a topic I genuinely want to talk about? It has nothing to do with you. But sure, bring up shit that happened for no real reason than some sort of self pleasing joy. You're certainly a narcissist, but classy is nowhere to be found. I'm just counting down the posts until this topic just becomes 'people shit on popular things' because we need another one of those around here.