[center][color=crimson]Yuriya Yozora[/color] [h3][color=crimson]百合夜 夜空[/color][/h3] [/center] Yuriya didn't liked the way things were going, in fact her frustration was evident in her features. While she didn't looked troubled, the way her face warped into a scowl made it obvious. [color=crimson]"Great, now we are back to step two. Not only that but we are also left without any easy to use escape route."[/color] Yuriya said as she looked over the window they use to climb down to this level. While the gutter pipes were still within a hand's reach, going back up would be suicide as they risked being ambushed by the Friagne again. Going to the ground level from outside of the building didn't seemed like a good idea as well, not with the fog that besieged the school building for as long as they have been here on this realm of nightmares. [color=crimson]"At least we are free of one more potential danger. Thanks to Rokudo, we are stuck here with no obvious way out. Now that I think about it, where's Inoue? I am sure that I was holding her hand even a second before we got in here again."[/color] Another disappearance wasn't good at all for their group; every lost member was one less hand they could use to help their survival, or a threat to take into consideration, in the worst case scenario. [color=crimson]"What should we do now, Shizune?"[/color] Yuriya asked as she found a less gore caked chair to sit, still casually disregarding the absurdity that was Katashi's new 'friend', though Yuriya didn't even had the drive to tease him about that as of now, or so it looked like, right before she replied to Katashi's question with, [color=crimson]"I think that you should name it horsea, it fits the bill quite nicely. Don't you think, Todo?"[/color] Really, could this situation get even more contrived? [hr] [center][@TheWindel], [@Lucius Cypher], [@Lonewolf685], [@UberBlutwurst], [@RoflsMazoy], [@SaikaAnge].[/center]