[h2][b]Fortress[/b][/h2] Fortress stopped and looked into the other morph's eyes; to her he looked weak and if he was caught by this spastic hunter he would probably not last long even if she helped him now, her instincts began taking over and she dropped to all fours. Instead of charging directly at him like she seemed to be about to do she used her ability to turn her armor into concave domes on her body and began shuffling toward the hunter and his catch, if he had a catch already then that meant that he wouldn't go after her. As she past she swung her thick tail at his knees but didn't care if she hit or not, she was heading to the river though and it was about time she got something to drink. She just followed the sound of running water till she was at the river where she bent down to take a drink and let he scales turn back to normal.