[quote=@Ariamis] [@DarkRecon] Pretty much what [@Ammokkx] has said. The coma was a result of Mai basically losing the fight against the Cruxi, and if it weren't for Caretaker's intervention she would have died. Reflecting on one's self would be an example of a direction, as it were. [/quote] Hmm. Yeah that makes sense. Still, I just don't want to be left out too much since first off, don't want her to wake up too early. Otherwise, she'd most likely have some mental defect. I did think about doing that actually but eh, wasn't sure if I can play that out right. And even though I'm going through alot for a second character, Jake is really just a "temp" till either Mai or even Elora return, more RP characters show or if Lorenzo and/or Ritsu themselves feel that Jake had served his purpose. I just want to keep involved with the other character drama's. Then again...I could be digging my own grave with this too -___-' Still, I went through the hoops so I better at least show for it. This time, I went in a new direction mech wise (Updated): Name: Jake Armstrong Appearance: [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v445/DarkRecon/Random%20Pics/Jake_zpsatyrgygw.jpg[/img] Stands 6'2". Age: 18 Experience: Synchronization Rate: Personality: He's easy to talk to, cheerful and sometimes talks in rhymes due to his hobby in music. Though when the battle starts, he does develop a serious personality but not on the extreme like Mai does. He does get moody though if anyone tries to talk to him about his past. Motive to live: Unknown (Refuses to reveal). Background: Jake comes from a long line of military family. His last name is rather well-known around certain military social circles. It's said that his parents and even his grandparents were either pilots or were in engineering and mechanical divisions within the military. Even more so when the Cruxi started their war with humanity. Though he doesn't like talking about it, it's said that his grandparents and his father died during the war with the Cruxi. His only living relative being his mother who is rumored to be a framework pilot. But when you look at Jake and even his personality, some would think that he'd be the "black sheep" of the family and not a proper soldier slash pilot...though Jake has proved that, despite his lack of experience, "looks can be deceiving". It's also said that he even met Mai when she was transfered to his division. Though Jake admits that it was probably because of him that Mai transfered out of it due to him trying to "lighten her up" and getting her involved with his music. It was also because of Mai's current "coma" state and his various skills with "drones" and "reconnisance" that Jake requested a transfer to Lorenzo's Sigma division. Notable Deaths: Grandparents - K.I.A. Father - K.I.A. Mother - Active (framework pilot?) Other things: As stated, Jake's hobbies include music, video games, reading and mechanic's due to him learning to maintain his own framework as well as "drone" matience. He's also very perceptive of his surroundings and even people and sometimes Cruxi during combat. Even in an urban environment, he can sometimes spot a threat or something "out of place". He's also a decent long range shooter. However, unlike other members of his family, always had trouble with Melee combat. It's also one of the reasons why some consider Jake the "Black Sheep" since most of the Armstrong family favor melee and martial arts types of fighting over long range. Framework Code Name: Weissritter aka "White Knight" (Model ID code: PTX-007-03C) Appearance: [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v445/DarkRecon/Mecha%20stuff/Weissritter2_zps3qvkbqgq.png[/img] Signature Weapon System: "Neo" Rifle - Originally called the Oxtongue Rifle and as shown in the above picture, Jake changed the name to "Neo" since he felt that it was "the one" perfect long range rifle for any pilot worthy of long range support. The reason being is because it's a double-barrel rifle with each barrel shooting two different types of shots. The top barrel fire energy/laser blasts through a rechargable battery clip. While the battery can recharge fairly quickly (after each turn), Jake CAN fire it rapidly but at the cost of burning the clip out (meaning he has to reload if he has a clip). The lower barrel fire bullets of a variety of types though Jake finds the standard ammo plenty since, as a rifle, still packs a serious punch. But much like a real rifle, Jake has to pull the handle on the trigger grip to load the next shot in. And after 8 shots, needs to reload a fresh clip (if he has any). And much like any rifle, it does have trouble handling close range targets due to it's size and length so care is needed when handling it. Secondary Weapon System: Air "Recon" Drones - As the name suggests, Jake has about 5 recon drones attached to the back of the White Knight. Perhaps similar to the ones used by a pilot from within Lorenzo's Sigma division, the drones assist Jake by taking to the sky and update him and even his team on the battlefield as well as finding targets for Jake to snipe. Be it Automated or Manual control, Jake can do both with the drones. Because of his skills and job as a "recon" expert, he also uses the combat data recorded to plan for any new Cruxi or enemy units discovered as well as abnormalities in an attempt to give other divisions proper counter-measures during the war. Though he hasn't been able to do so yet, he hopes to one day record what he calls "warp signatures" from the Cruxi since he heard rumors that some Cruxi utilitze that technology. Armor Type: Medium Special Ability: ??? Note: Another weapon to note is the three "stakes" on the left hand. Normally within three points around the wrist area, they can pop out and produce a high-voltage electric shock as a last resort melee attack to at least stun a target for Jake to retreat or retaliate against. Again, it's a last resort that Jake wishes to never use often due to his weakness in close range combat. It also has enough energy for one charged attack so after that, he can't use it for the rest of the battle since it needs serious time to recharge.