Well I've been out of the roleplaying business for a while now, but someone recently sparked my interest into it again by asking me to bring up a unique idea for a lore-rich universe, which is surprisingly difficult but enjoyable. I have been here before, but this was at some point around 2008? So I have no clue what the name was. I tend to vary my tastes a bit, when it comes to roleplaying, although massed groups I tend to shy away from, I know such groups tend to cut down in size due to people either not caring or just forgetting and such but if an RP has something like 20+ people in it from the beginning I disappear until the size cuts down a bit. I've heard a lot about Nation RPs lately, which has piqued my interest somewhat so I may end up browsing there a lot, but if something catches my eye, I may shy away to investigate as is my Mogwai way. If you have any questions in specifics feel free to ask, just bring a cookie and a glass of milk. I also accept Oreos.