[quote=@Brink] So I don't have many friends to play games with, and I'm having a difficult time in my personal life at the moment so such things would be a welcome distraction. So when a friend tells me, months after he rejected the idea of playing Battlefleet Gothic, that he will be buying it and then promptly plays it with a different friend instead, it kind of hurts. Whats more I have recently picked up 7 days to die with another friend after a long time not playing it, we talk about when we should play, he says Friday probably not Wednesday. I go on discord and he is playing 7 days today (Wednesday) with other friends. Sucks to be bottom of everyone's list. [/quote] I definitely know how that feels, even offline. I had a "friend" and her cousin invite me to the movies two months ago and I was genuinely happy to see them because I hadn't seen them in so long. Turns out the whole night and sleepover were set up for me to be the third wheel. It was so awful, I hadn't felt like that in so long. I enjoyed the movie a lot (I went to see Nerve) but I did not enjoy their so-called company. The whole time, they wanted to catch up on each other when they saw each other every weekend so I didn't understand that. I also didn't understand why they even wanted me there. I thought going to their house would be better but they made me sleep on the floor. No mattress, sleeping bag, nothing, while the cousin slept on one. I didn't say anything because I had already decided to stop being friends with them and that's what I did. Even well into my twenties, and I'm 22, I struggle a lot to make friends. I'm pretty shy but I warm up easily to others. I just always felt different from others -- not to sound like a humble brag either. It just takes me a lot to connect with people. I'm not really anti-social just selectively social because I don't want to waste time with people who I don't feel connected to. The same goes for gaming. I play online multiplayer but don't have anyone to play it with but I still have fun anyways. It doesn't hurt to have someone though, even if it's just one person. The same applies offline and not just for gaming.