[@Clear] That sounds like an unfortunate circumstance, sometimes people aren't actively trying to be mean but they are ignorant of how they're treating others. Kind of sucks when your the kind of person who can realise such things, and even more when it happens to you. I think my major problem is I get very bad social anxiety with people I don't know. It's not so bad on a site like this in which I can stay completely anonymous, and to some extent I don't mind meeting people in person IF it's in a relaxed setting with friends. (Meeting a teacher or boss or something just fucks with me). I just get very anxious talking to someone I don't know on the phone or over the internet (Voice not IM) so I find it pretty difficult to find new gaming buddies because they all want to use game chat and I just hate the idea. I have to rely on my current friends to play games online and well, we know how that went. You don't play 7 Days to Die do you? :P