[quote=@Halvtand] This does seem interesting. What is your stance on historical accuracy on a scale from [as far as we know] to [hollywood]? When you say Daneland, do you mean current day Denmark, viking day Denmark or the territory in eastern Britain knows as the Danelaw? If you need help with the historical bit I won't mind helping you out. [/quote] Historical accuracy will go as far as weapons, armors, social statuses and positioning, but there will be room for your own personal non-historical flair not 100% realistic combat and such. Although I'd like to avoid the i can fight fifty people at once nonsense and the ridiculous spinny fancy techniques. As for area i was thinking Eastern Britain, keep things more interesting with the threat of rebuttal from unhappy Britain's. I wouldn't mind a second input for history, I'll PM you. Also mythical creatures will likely have a place as well. [quote=@Brink] I like the low-fantasy Viking setting. So I'll be keeping an eye out for the plot. [/quote] Good, I'm slightly busy tomorrow so I'll try to get something thrown up today.