I love when people claim to write stories without bias because unless they are soulless they are either lying or just fooling themselves Human beings rarely if ever and I believe never are capable of separating their beliefs from their writing unless it is expressed as a pure mathematical function and that is because 2+2=4 a result defined by laws as far up as String theory and when the formula is disproved it is because of those laws proving an error. Next on my list are those who are so thin skinned as to invent offense from misunderstanding that prove they'd make lousy Diplomats Conversation even with those you love is studded by periodic misunderstanding I try to never allow myself to be so easy to offend as to need an artificial world contained in a SafeSpace if I am presenting a new or controversial topic; to do so is against the laws of evolution and scholarship and proves my argument is to weak to stand on it's own I admit that I too like everyone am susceptible to insult or emotional injury and because I don't enjoy being insulted try to never use insult; here again I fail from time to time because I'm not perfect