[quote=@Kenny1] With a motion of his hand the metal coin flew into the guard's hand, where he looked it over before sending it back using the same method. Although he was unable to read the characters it's symbol was easily recognized. With another stomp the stone walls returned to the ground, seamlessly mating with the brick pacers. With a steep bow the guard said "I apologize for the hostilities good knight. I was over zealous in my duties. Sir Ragnest you have permission to request and audience with his Majesty" Looking at the other man with some suspicion he asked "Do you vouch for your companion sir?" Although Xi'an was a very isolated nation they were well aware of the knights of Vaolos. Their reputation for honor had earned them the coveted honor of being allowed to request an audience with the court, an honor denied to anyone below an Earl from outside their borders. [/quote] Quite taken aback by the rapidity of the situation unfolding before them, Ragnest and Tyron were once again startled. It took Ragnest a good few seconds and head shaking before he could reply to the guard's question. Ragnest replied, "Yes, I vouch for Tyron, friend in life and in death and my fellow traveler." "I wonder, how long will his majesty take to grace us with his presence, I have heard rumors he is quite casual in his formalities." At this Tryon gave Ragnest a shooting glance, as if to say, stop with the formality and subtle rudeness, I know what you are doing. Ragnest suddenly realizing this possibility that he may have unwittingly insulted his host, lowered his arm to his waist, his sword would probably be of little use against magic, but it made him feel safe. It was unusual for Ragnest to make diplomatic slip ups like these as he was often personally chosen by the king to lead them. Perhaps it was the sudden walls that had sprung up which jolted his nerves, or maybe it was the fact that he was seeing a prince whom he greatly admired.