Surreal. That was the word for it. Right now the world seemed like a big practical joke, and the walls would open up to show a television crew on a hidden camera show getting a good laugh. Aliens weren’t real, Echo didn’t get arrested by authorities much less hulking alien creatures, people didn’t shoot each other or crush each other's windpipes, and Benji wasn’t some lightsaber wielding ninja, nor could he die. Let us not forget that it wasn’t in the nature of the world to end, people didn’t sleep 100 years even if they were somehow frozen. Heck, people didn't even live 100+ years. It was unbelievable, literally unbelievable. [color=2b2b2b]The failure of Echo’s suicide made her doubt the reality even more, she didn’t suffer any freezer burn much less frostbite.[/color] Echo couldn’t help but sputter out a laugh at Owen’s freak out session. And then laugh... and laugh... and laugh. It would have been kind of creepy as though she were losing her mind, but it was an honest and genuine touch of humor that kind of made you wonder if you had missed something in the bleak situation. [color=ffaa00]“Only now, after there is no point in resistance, does our cowardly lion of two years and a day find teeth to bear on entities that question our intentions! And naturally, it would have to be our doctor! Naturally. Doctor, heal thyself! What in could we possibly do to convince our captors of our complete ignorance and indifference toward them, now? Of course! And of course, [i]now[/i] there are aliens! How coincidental that the ones who might have functioned as a solution to mankind’s failings only arise almost immediately after our downfall! We hold the irony of the fellow who starved in his bomb-shelter for lack of a can-opener! This is all so fantastically orchestrated for calamity, you might expect to find it on laugh-net!”[/color] Echo shrugged, since her hands were still restrained and slumped back against the wall. She shook her head, her hair dislodged and obstructed her vision. [color=ffaa00]“Not to mention our line-up of misfits that include The Godfather! Director McFarrell, I am going to track down your skeleton and sink it to the bottom of our latrine!”[/color] At any rate, there really wasn’t anything to do until the alien police (if that is what they were) had finished searching the ship and contacting people with real power. It could be hours, even days. There really wasn’t anything more than wait, complain, argue, and wait some more.[color=2b2b2b]Let me guess, everyone is going to expect me to be the adult here and dig us out of this situation.[/color]