Broken out of his stupor, the notion of getting out of the area as fast as possible briefly passed Thane's mind once an aristocratic-looking preteen appeared and made a droll remark about the angry robed woman. It probably wasn't a good sign of things to come, if anything. However, no matter what social class she seemed to come from, she was still a preteen, right? It wasn't as if she could say anything particularly awful, so really there wasn't a good reason to lea- [i]'Oh my.'[/i] Thane was absolutely speechless. His expression basically screamed out 'did that actually just happen?', what with the widened eyes and slightly agape mouth. Needless to say, he was [i]not[/i] expecting that comment at all. After a few moments of looking on awkwardly at the situation to register that that indeed happened, he straightened out his expression and began to reconsider getting out immediately before the pissed off girl with the obvious temper did something drastic... Or maybe he could try to do his best to diffuse the situation somehow. Key word being 'try' - he doubted there was much he could do. The courier examined his surroundings and placed a marker on the edge of a building roof. [i]'Always good to have a quick escape,'[/i] Thane noted before piping up. "...Err... Why don't we all put this little incident behind us all and, uh, apologize for the slander...?" he said with a slight lack of confidence in his tone. After all, he was dealing with a paladin who could probably beat the snot out of him, and a wealthy young lady who was probably more than she seemed if she was spitting out stuff like that to strangers.