Raven stepped outside, and looked up at the sky for a moment before heading towards the front to help the caravan master with his horse. "Oh, you already got it then." The young fellow spoke, noting as another member had already assisted the horse. Raven's hair was messy from the banging around in the caravan, and his face had a look of annoyance. "This weather is utter s***..." he grumbled to himself. Raven immediately regretted saying this, as a younger lad was standing not too far nearby, coughing. "Hey kid, take this. It's no raincoat, but maybe it'll keep the water off you for a little while." He said, handing his chainmail-coated jacket to Ivan. "Again, I don't think the cloth under the metal layer is waterproof, but it's better then the rain splashing all over you." Raven took another look at the horse, and realizing they may need more help then he thought. The horse's legs appeared to be injured. He took off his gauntlets, and tried to help keep the horse's hindquarters up and steady as they pulled the animal from the muck. This was to keep it's hind legs from taking too much pressure as it was dragged out, to avoid causing them worse pain then they were probably already in.